Give Yourself Instant Credibility By Telling The Reader Something He Didn't Know!

Educate the reader in your letter. Give them some knowledge, some inside info that they didn't know before and you are 100 times more likely to make the sale than one who does not.

When your reader learns something from you, it adds tremendous credibility and believability to your letter. It gives a very powerful sense of realness about you and your company. A beginning trust is established. A positive relationship!

That is worth more than gold!




Certain Words Are Irresistible!
Bulleted Benefit Lists Create Buyers!
Create Action! - Appeal To The Subconscious!
The Rule of White Space!
Use Sub-Headlines to Catch Quick Readers!
The Strange Power of Command Copy!
Create Mental Movies In The Mind of Your Reader!
Educate - Inform & Sell More!
Explode Sales by Increasing Perceived Value!
The WIIFM Rule!
The Power of Someone Else "Blowing Your Horn!"
Headlines - The Ad For the Ad!
Become The Person You Want To Influence!
Simple Words & Short Sentences Make Money!
Create Ideas In The Readers Mind!
The Power of Speaking With Authority!
Be Dramatic, Bold, Exciting!



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