A Sales Letter Or Web Site With Solid Copy Is
Hard To Read - Hard To Read Copy
Does Not Make Money!

The easier it is to read your letter or web site the more money you will make - period!

Break up your copy with short sentences, short paragraphs and lot's of sub headlines to create white space....make it very easy to read.

Making the copy clogged up all together is a tragic mistake made by many an advertiser. People will not exert much effort to read copy that makes their head hurt.

If they don't read it - you don't make money - no matter how good the ad is!

This same concept applies to your web site. The simpler it is to read the more you will make. Be careful with your background. Make sure it does not interfere with the reading.

Direct, Clear & Focused Sites Make Money!




Certain Words Are Irresistible!
Bulleted Benefit Lists Create Buyers!
Create Action! - Appeal To The Subconscious!
The Rule of White Space!
Use Sub-Headlines to Catch Quick Readers!
The Strange Power of Command Copy!
Create Mental Movies In The Mind of Your Reader!
Educate - Inform & Sell More!
Explode Sales by Increasing Perceived Value!
The WIIFM Rule!
The Power of Someone Else "Blowing Your Horn!"
Headlines - The Ad For the Ad!
Become The Person You Want To Influence!
Simple Words & Short Sentences Make Money!
Create Ideas In The Readers Mind!
The Power of Speaking With Authority!
Be Dramatic, Bold, Exciting!



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