Move Your Reader To Action
Using Command Copy!

From the 'guru' marketers to multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 companies most of them have one thing in common - All Use Command Copy!

You see it on sales letters and on television: Act Now! - Order Now! - Pick Up The Phone And Call Now! - Do it Now! - Take Action Today!

Command copy creates impulses to act!

It has the power to make a reader actually pick up the phone and order when otherwise he would have put it off if the command had not been given.

I'm not saying you turned him into a robot that had to obey you and order. I'm saying that when you gave the command to: 'Go Ahead And Order Now' helped give him the impulse to act. You 'opened' his mind up to the thought of actually going ahead and picking up the phone to call. Tell your reader exactly what he should do and it will shock you when you discover he actually does it!

Is this hard to believe?

It has been proven through millions of dollars in testing sales letters and tv commercials both with and without command copy. The differences in responses are astounding!

The owner of a popular real estate package being sold on cable tv reported that when they put the words "Get up and call now - 1-800-xxx-xxxx" across the bottom of the screen and added a part at the end where he again gave the order to 'get up and call now' the commercial immediately began making a profit whereas every time it was ran before it lost money!

Your reader or the TV viewer may be blown away by your product. He may sit hypnotized by the thoughts of all he could do with your product. But unless you tell him to order now and show him a clear and easy way to do it, he may just keep right on sitting there spaced out about your product but never actually making the move to order it.





Certain Words Are Irresistible!
Bulleted Benefit Lists Create Buyers!
Create Action! - Appeal To The Subconscious!
The Rule of White Space!
Use Sub-Headlines to Catch Quick Readers!
The Strange Power of Command Copy!
Create Mental Movies In The Mind of Your Reader!
Educate - Inform & Sell More!
Explode Sales by Increasing Perceived Value!
The WIIFM Rule!
The Power of Someone Else "Blowing Your Horn!"
Headlines - The Ad For the Ad!
Become The Person You Want To Influence!
Simple Words & Short Sentences Make Money!
Create Ideas In The Readers Mind!
The Power of Speaking With Authority!
Be Dramatic, Bold, Exciting!



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