Paul Neary on The
Authority |
What does it take to make a good comic-book?
Doing good work as a stand-alone creator is no longer enough...get your part right and
someone else might negate your best efforts. While an individual creator's efforts can
always improve the overall result, the opposite case also applies. Inkers can make good
pencilling look bad, pencillers can make good inkers and writers look bad, colorists have
it in their power to make a good art job look bad. In turn, poor paper can absorb so much
ink that a coloring job will look sad and muddy even it looked great on the PC screen...
and remember money-people can pressure editors to drop the quality of the paper-stock at
the last minute and make us all look bad. The main problem is that creators must rely on
someone else to make his or her work look at its best. With this in mind, the answer to
the opening question must be...teamwork.
A good solution is to work in a team of people who's work you enjoy and who you trust not
to let you down. To be working in such a team on The Authority is a reassuring experience
and I hope it shows.Source: The
Authority 1 |