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Boba Fett

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Design: Jedi Diana

Picturing: Jedi Diana

Translation: Jedi Diana

Ideas/Comments: Jedi Diana




ICQ#: 11598171


Informations on myself:

I'm a young student, living in one of the middle-class quarters of Imperial City, Coruscant. I'm very interested on what's going on in the galaxy and I am fascinated by Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter.


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Boba Fett

Fett's ID:

Species: Unknown

Sex: Male

Hair Color: Unknown

Eye Color: Unknown

Height: 1.8 meters




Homeworld: Unknown

Political Affiliation: Free-lance bounty hunter

Weapon(s) of Choice: Mandalorian battle armor and various weapons

Vehicle of Choice: Kuat System's Engineering limited-production, high-speed Firespray-class ship Slave I, MandalMotors Pursuer enforcement ship Slave II

First Appearance: Star Wars Holiday Special

Skiff Fight 1 Boba Fett, in spite of a very short apparition in the Trilogy, is the most popular character of Star Wars. Why ? That is the question! It's not so difficult though. The fact that he's the most notorious, dangerous, clever, etc. of the bounty hunters of the galaxy, that he has a Mandalorian combat suit, that he is cool, bad, and most of the reason, he is mysterious. Actually, he is one of the most enigmatic characters.
The SW fans know even much about Vader than about Fett. This gives the opportunity to imagine who could he be, were does he come from, and what is his past. I caught some news about him in novels and short stories from Tales of the Bounty Hunters (though I never read the story, somebody told me about it), The Last One Standing...
Fett's real name is Jaster Mereel, born on Concord Dawn. He began as a Journeyman Protector but murdered another Protector. After that he had been exiled from his planet and became a stormtrooper. Then, he killed his superior officer and left the Empire. There are rumors that he had also been an Imperial pilot, but I'm not sure... We don't know how Jaster Mereel had his Mandalorian suit. Some say that he had been a Mandalorian Warrior, others say that he stolen the suit, others that he found the suit from a Mandalorian's dead body named Boba Fett and changed his identity. Skiff Fight 2
Stormtrooper I won't make a description of Boba Fett's history otherwise i'll have to put a big extract of The Essential Guide to Boba Fett of three pages long. But if you insist, goto the Boba Fett Multimedia Vault site. You'll find there everything you wanted to know about the bounty hunter. Perhaps not ALL, but a few infos are disponible in extracts of articles from Star Wars Insider or else. If you have informations, or extracts of The Last One Standing, please contact me :Email.
Vader What is Fett's relation with Vader ? I don't exactly know. In the rumors around the Prequels, we know that Anakin Skywalker meets Jaster Mereel on Concord Dawn when they're both twenty... That should imply that they were good friends maybe because they were good pilots. In Episode II, Anakin is turning to the Dark Side, and becomes an Imperial pilot. That should be how he meets Jaster, a pilot as good as him. This is my first theory. My second is that Anakin begins to eliminate the Jedis and the Mandalorians, maybe leaded by Boba Fett, help him.
Yeah, I think that's it. Although, these informations are rumors and speculations. We will know more about it when we'll see the movie!
If we take a good look at how Boba and Han act, in the trilogy and all the books that may have been ritten, they seem related. It's maybe because of the hatred that they have for eachother. Some says that Fett is the brother of Han, that they had some conflicts being children and Fett wanted to kill Han during all the time. But this is very improbable. The origin of Fett's hate for Solo is a real mystery. However, some authors like to make Fett and Solo look like. I read in a story ("Hunt 2") Fett thinking "I have a bad feeling about this". Han said that in the garbage compactor in A New Hope. In another case, in Twin Engins of Destruction (comic) we see Fett taking of his suit. We only see his back, ful of the Sarlacc scars. That remind me something: in A New Hope, Georges Lucas did a scene that have not been showed in the final version: Han is taking his shirt off (just before the battle of Yavin). And his back is also ful of scars. The guy who did Twin Engins of Destructions just had learn about the unknown scene of A New Hope and put it in his comic. They all thought: "That would be cool if two guys like Han and Boba, who hate eachother, are finaly so alike... Just as Luke and Vader." It's an important element in Fett's personnality that makes him so popular. I thinks it's the most important element. Lucas, Kershner and so long had made a big work to preserve secret on this crucial element. Maybe that they keep a big revelation that would disrupt the whole galaxy!

In fact, when a Fett fan watch the SW trilogy, he doesn't like the story and would like a lot that Fett was a character as important as Solo. Personnaly, I'd like that Fett had more lines to say, like having a discussion with Solo. But if Irvin Kershner had given more importance to Boba, I wouldn't be talking about him now. Actually it's good like it is. Fett is the best of the bests. No comments.

We don't know anything of Fett's mind when we only watch the movies. Even in the related books, we don't have Boba's point. The action was only focus on the heroes of SW. I wanted to know what happened behind his mask and I had an answer in Fett fan fictions, not so long ago. Of course, they're not official, but I had a sort of satisfaction by reading them. I learn that Fett is (or the fans wants that he is), in essence, a good soul. Everyone says that he has his own causes like Justice. In a fanfic, they compare him to a Justice Protector. A real hero, in fact. With a little bit of literary culture, we can qualify Boba Fett as a "cornellian character". Okay, I know that this is heavy, even really boring to talk about, but interesting. Corneille had ritten theater plays witch represent men like they should be. Therefore, perfect charactors. I found an interesting comparison between Solo and Fett by Kevin J. Anderson. Here's it is:
"He does not lightly agree to take on a bounty assignment. But once he does, he dovotes his utmost to the task. Though a man of few words, Boba Fett is smart, resourceful, persistent and always manages to have a trick or two up his sleeve. Perhaps because he has to view the world through a very narrow and rigidly defined slit in his Mandalorian armor, Fett doesn't easily get distracted by irrelevant details.

     Han Solo, on the other hand, is the worst sort of bounty, someone Fett would be glad to remove. Not only is Solo a smuggler and a drug runner (hauling glitterstim spice for the gangster Jabba The Hutt), he is unreliable (drops his cargo at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser), arrogant (sits in a popular cantina when he knows full well there's a price on his head), underhanded (shoots from under the table), a braggart (please don't tell us about that Kessel run one more time), and a turncoat (leaves the Imperial academy, breaks the law by being a smuggler, then joins the Rebel Alliance). From Boba Fett's perspective, Solo must be quite a despicable human being! Any reports to the contrary must be New Republic propaganda."