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Boba Fett

Fett Pics

Club Fett



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Design: Jedi Diana

Picturing: Jedi Diana

Translation: Jedi Diana

Ideas/Comments: Jedi Diana




ICQ#: 11598171


Informations on myself:

I'm a young student, living in one of the middle-class quarters of Imperial City, Coruscant. I'm very interested on what's going on in the galaxy and I am fascinated by Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter.


Thank you for visiting my website.

The Star Wars Universe

This is a Star Wars site so I MUST tell what the story is about 'cause we have to admit that everyone does not know what it's about. So if you think you're enough intelligent and a good SW fan, don't read this passage.

SW Trilogy Pic So the story begins a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... The Galactic Empire has risen in the whole galaxy, reigning by terror. But a small group of rebels (the Rebel Alliance) still resists. The main characters are Luke Skywalker (a young Jedi Knight), Princess Leia Organa from Alderran, Coruscant
Han Solo (a corellian smuggler), Chewbacca (his Wookie friend), Obi-Wan Kenobi (a Jedi Master), Darth Vader (the Dark Lord of the Sith).


Rebel spies had stolen the plans of the Empire's Death Star. Princess Leia has to bring them to Alderran, but the Empire captures her.
The droids (C-3PO and R2-D2) escapes from the boarded ship and land on Tatooine, and fall in the Lars' farm where young Luke lives with his uncle and aunt.
They die when the Imperials come to find the droids with the Death Star plans and Luke goes to rescue Princess Leia with Obi-Wan, Han Solo, Chewie and the droids in the Death Star. Obi-Wan dies from Vader's saber and become one with the Force. Then Luke destroyes the terrible battle station with the Rebel Alliance.

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Mos Eisley
sw-2 The Alliance went on Hoth, the icy planet to hide from the Empire in the Echo Base. Darth Vader searchs Luke through all the galaxy and sends probe droids on Hoth.
Echo Base is found and the Empire throws Imperial Walkers to attack the planet. Our heroes escapes from Hoth; Luke goes to the Dagobah planet to find Yoda, a Jedi Master to continue his Jedi training. Han, Leia and Chewie are purchased by the Empire.
Hoth - AT-AT Attack Vader calls for the best bounty huntersof the galaxy to capture the Millenium Falcon and it's passengers alive. But the ship escapes once more, and goes to the Bespin system. Boba Fett detects them and announces their trajectory to Vader. Falcon Escape
Then Solo, who thaught that he would find help from his friend, Lando Calrissian, finds himself trapped by the Empire. He gets frozen into carbonite and send to Jabba the Hutt, Fett getting a substancial bounty. Lando helps Leia and Chewie to escapes again.
However, Luke feels his friends in danger from Dagobah during his training and goes to Cloud City (Bespin) to rescue them. But he comes too late : Vader is waiting for him and engages the duel. At the end, Vader tells him that he is his father, after cutting his right hand during the combat.

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Cloud City
sw-3 The Empire is building a new Death Star. Luke, Leia, Chewie and Lando are plotting to rescue Han from Jabba's claws.
They seep in Jabba's Palace on Tatooine. Their plan is so good that they finish in the Sarlacc Pit and die, all.... No, I'm kidding. They rescue Han and "kill" Boba Fett on the road.
Then, Luke returns to Dagobah to finish his Jedi training, but Yoda dies. Obi-Wan learn him there that Leia is his sister and Vader his father. The Alliance is planning to destroy the Death Star. Han and his friends are designate to destroy a shielding field placed on the forest moon of Endor. Luke doesn't participate to that operation and goes on the Death Pit of Carkoon
Star to defeat his father, hoping he could turn to the Light Side of the Force. Hans and his friend destroys the shields of the Death Star and the Alliance can begin it's attack of the battle station.
While they're attacking, Luke is still on it and fights with Vader. The Emperor (who had watch the entire scene) gets mad and electrocute Luke. Vader turn to the Light Side and kill the Emperor a few minuts before dying in his son's arms. Luke escapes the Death Star just before it explodes. All through the galaxy, people is having a celebration for the death of the Emperor and the Victory of the Alliance.

Bespin - CelebrationTatooine - CelebrationCoruscant - Celebration

That's all for the actual trilogy. The 25th of May will come out the first episode of the Prequels (a new trilogy of SW situated 20 years ago in the SW chronology). You all know that A New Hope is Episode IV, The Empire Strikes Back Episode V and Return of the Jedi Episode VI. The Prequels will tell us about how did Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vador during the Clone Wars and the rising of the Empire.