Control Panel





Boba Fett

Fett Pics

Club Fett



French Version

Message Board



Design: Jedi Diana

Picturing: Jedi Diana

Translation: Jedi Diana

Ideas/Comments: Jedi Diana




ICQ#: 11598171


Informations on myself:

I'm a young student, living in one of the middle-class quarters of Imperial City, Coruscant. I'm very interested on what's going on in the galaxy and I am fascinated by Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter.


Thank you for visiting my website.

Jedi Diana's SW and Fett Site

Created the : June 13th 1998

Published the : June 14th 1998

Last update : 07.21.1998

Speeder Bike

Welcome in my great SW website. You are the visitor number #Visitors. I hope you'll enjoy the trip... If you have any comments or complains, please let me know. Emailor post a message via Message Board.

French version-Version française

Warning!!! This website works better in 1024x768 with Microsoft Internet Explorer.

I created this website because I'm a great fan of StarWars. I will explain the StarWars Universe in the first part of this site. There are also a lot of speculations around Boba Fett, the most notorious bounty hunter of the galaxy... I also put some fan fictions around Fett. Finaly, the SW and Boba Fett links that I found by surfing on the Web...

In the Control Panel you have a direct access to all the links, pics and some infos about myself.

There, I hope you'll have a good surf on this website!

Note: you are maybe a surfer who had already visited this site some days ago... you will notice some changes: the musics and the Prequel link are gone for reasons of space on my host site. The wav files especially took minimum 2Mo so I had to delete them. Sorry. And for the Prequels... But if you still want to download some sounds, email me and I will maybe send them to you.


Coming Up News Jawa

I decided recently to create my own Boba Fett fan club. You hate Han Solo? You're getting bored of that stupid Jedi Skywalker? You think that big fat Wookie should be scalped? Then join my Fett fan club!

How to join? Just email me and tell me your name (nickname), your email adress (and ICQ# if you have it) and that's all.

The goal of this club is to share informations, pics, fanfix, etc.. about Fett and make new Fett fan friends. This is not a matter to make money or profit but just for fun. When you'll join, you'll have more details. See ya!

Now, you can download some MIDI music files!

Jedi Diana

I have nothing to say about myself besides that I think I'm genious, that I love StarWars and Boba Fett. I'm a real zealot of Fett and I'm in search of everything about him. If you have some interesting infos about him, again me or contact me on ICQ#: 11598171.

X-Wing Words for my friends of the Net.

Great thanks to all those who recognize their pics in this site. I grabbed them from their page. Sorry! Sorry!

I'd like to give special thanks to jOe for all the informations and the rumors I learnt in his "Geeking Site". Thanks jOe.

007_Rebel_Spy, thank you for your support.

AdenFett, I grabbed some pics from your own site! Please excuse me.

Sea Monkey, you always thought that Fett was the best. His mind and morals will always be with you!

And, more than ever, great thanks to all of you who are visiting my site!