Forbidden and Dangerous Thinking

Cyberdomicile of Slade Farney
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You didn't come here to learn about me.  Or if you did, you're in the wrong place.  I don't do phone, I don't do face, and I don't do personal.  I mind my own business, and I would thank you to take the same attitude. 

So why this page?  Nobody lives totally alone.  If you had to invent everything for yourself, you would die of old age before you discovered the stone ax. 

"Homelessness is nothing to be ashamed of."

In short, my business is to learn everything I can.  I pay for what I learn by passing the best parts on to others. 

Thus, this page: A Collection of Ideas, important, but forbidden or illegal to think, and dangerous to discuss in our enlightened age. 

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Internet Censor Study Tools
Essay by Janson and Skaala
Peace Fire on Cyber Muzzles
Truth in Holocaust History
CW. Porter
Air Photo Evidence
Pope (?)'s Apology for the Holocaust
Faurisson's: Écrits Révisionnistes (Eng.)
David Irving
Adelaide Institute
Raeto West's Internet Site
European Foundation for Free Historical Research
Committee for the Open Discussion of the Holocaust
Waco: America's Holocaust
Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
Rhyme of the Waco Apologist
Taunting the Sacred Bull
Evolution: Fraud or Fancy?
A Soldier's Life: Liberty Through Slavery
Kill Without Mercy, Die Unlamented
Twas the Night Before Armageddon
They Made a Lampshade Out of My Grandfather

Genesis, widely discredited, still contains the only functional explanation for Evil in the world: Mankind, in defiance of the Creator, sought to know more and ate from the Tree of Knowledge. 

In the context of the butchery of men, women, and children in their home in Waco and many other incidents, the theory is not adequate. Neither the ritual tortures of the American aboriginals nor the barbarous practices of Israeli and American commandos can be explained by too much knowledge, or too little. If we hope to save this civilization, I suggest somebody start looking elsewhere, and be damned quick about it.

Hazardous Topics
Our Established Religion
Pelley's 45 Questions
Political Situation in Pre-Nazi Germany
Note on the background: The Destruction of Mt. Carmel, published as a centerpiece in Time Magazine, May 3, 1993. Who among us believes the world is a better place for these deaths?


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