Welcome to the Nippur Map Room

The Map Room gives access to several maps available on this site. Consider the introductory remarks to each map, then take a close look at each map. You will understand the position of Nippur better by doing so. Enjoy visualizing the special space of the center of the world 40 centuries ago!

A Long, Wide and Tall City

Nippur took up space, quite a bit of space horizontally. There was room for large, even massive religious buildings on the east side of the city along with extensive space for a residential neighborhood. On the west side of the city, on the other side of the large canal, were more religious structures and residential neighborhoods. This ancient city also took up space vertically. All the building over the millennia (not just centuries!), made the city higher and higher above the level of the flat plain. Visitors looked up to Nippur before they entered.

Take a close look at Charles Muret's relief map with several significant features marked by arrows. An explanation of these features is included.

A City in the Center

Nippur was a central place religiously in the world of Sumer and Akkad for a very long time. It was also central geographically. The location of Nippur in the center of Sumer and Akkad is set out in Clarence Fisher's map. Distances and other important sites around Nippur are made clear by this map. A little history lesson is included with the geography. If you have questions, let me know!

For an annotated list of links to numerous maps of the ancient world, visit your ancient history tour guide, N.S. Gill.

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This page was edited on 31 December 2001. If you have cuneiform questions or comments, please email the Nippur Quay. You can also give a shout over to Dubsar's Sand Dune. Thanks! � 1998-2001 Erasmus Compositor, P.O. Box 25958, Baltimore, MD 21224. You can also find information on Dubsar's academic credentials.