Part 3


Given by bro. C.B. Beekhuizen, Holland 

Family life and parents education


Before I begin with a new lesson about family life and parents education, I must confess a fault I made during some messages last week in Madras. I was telling in a meeting in a Christian factory for clothes about the differences between some Indian religions and Christianity. In the same time that I called the name of the Hindu gods, I called the Name of Jesus too. My translator  was not willing to call out the names of this Hindu gods in the same time with the Name of Jesus! Then I remember God’s Word in Josh. 23:7; 24:14,15, were is written that it was forbidden to call out the name of the idols of the gentiles! So unit is the Name of Jehovah!

In the break after our second lesson about family life in a bad time, there was a question given by a father when you must begin to tell your eleven old daughter about sexuality and so on. I told him that it is the best way that the mother tells their daughter about these things and that the father gave his education to his son! That is the best way I think. 

Now the bible readings for family life and parents education

Deut. 6:1-9          Education is the task of parents, but also grand parents! (v. 2).It is important that parents life is in according with the Lord’s Words and that they served the Lord God with whole their hearts and in all their power! They must their children from the morning till the evening tell the great deeds of the Lord God. During the morning breakfast, in the auto car, during weaklings, in the daily breaks and in the evenings before the family goes to bed.

vs. 20-25             Only then the children will ask their parents about some questions which they do not understand.

Col. 3:12-24        But education must be given in a lovely and humble way. Children must seen the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their parents education and life. (see Gal. 5:22). The apostle Paul wrote: “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity” (vs. 14).

1Ths. 1:2-10       When parents and the members of a local church are a good example, the younger ones will listen to them! Therefore it is very important to show the Christian works, but works in faith. The labor, but prompted by love and the endurance inspired by hope in the the Lord Jesus. Then children and other people around you will ask you more about the Lord Jesus and will respect you.

2 Tim. 3:13-17    The doctrine of your family education is also very important! It must be the doctrine of Christ and the apostles and prophets (see 2 John. vs. 9,10 and Eph. 2:18-22 with Acts 2:42).

1 Tim. 3:1-7        Special the father must be a good teacher and example for his children. Then he will be a good counselor in the local church too.

2 Tim. 2:2            Father and mother are able to give their inspired lessons from the bible when they first has listen to their Master, the Lord Jesus. Then they can tell their children and other men about Jesus and His Word.

Isa. 54:13-17      The promise for that kind of parents is sure, children will serve the Lord in their lives and their peace will be great!

Isa. 58:12            It is nice to see that children of real Christian parents, when they are getting older, will serve their Lord in several ways. In educating other people in foreign countries, to be a helping hand in social or practical works. Helping poor men and building up destroyed places by war conflicts.

Eph. 5:17-6:4     Therefore we must all, parents and their children, be in the Lord’s will.

Gal. 4:1-7            But the real Christian life is not under the Law of Moses! After receiving the Holy Spirit you will be set free in the Lord Jesus and His commands. That is not the same as to live by rules and traditions or religious cultures (see for this way of life Gal.6:15,16).

John. 8:30-36    The Christian life of children is never an automatically gift of the parents and their Godley life! Children must make their own decision for the Lord Jesus and must be born again, before they can serve the Lord too!

Eph. 4:17-16      God has given spiritual gifts to men, special for using in the assembly  But assembly life begins in your own family life! When family life is not good working, it is impossible that the Holy Spirit can use you! The goal of all education is always to set the younger ones holy and complete in Jesus Christ (see Col. 1:28,29; 2 Tim. 3:17).

Rom. 8:12-17     Then, children and their parents will live according the holy will of God, under the daily leading of the Holy Spirit. Every day you will give thanks to the Father in heaven, such as the holy ones in heaven will do (Rev. 5:9,10).

May the Lord Jesus bless this lesson!