Part 4


Given by bro. C.B. Beekhuizen, Holland

Family life in practice

In this modern time family life will be destroying in many cases. The reason is often that the parents take no time for their children. Many fathers are too busy, or has a second secret life with their secretary. Their example is influencing the children and they will often do the same as their parents. Therefore it is a big need to take the Bible principles about family life. This means often that parents must change their life style. The Bible calls that “repenting”, or better to be “born again” (John. 3:5; 1 Pet. 1:22,23).

Paul wrote in his letter to Titus that it is very important that fathers and mothers must be trustful, healthy in their doctrine and practice and full of faith, love and patience (see Tit. 2:1,2). Let us see in the following verses how a good family life works.

Tit. 2:1-8              Both, man and woman, must be healthy in doctrine and practice. Because the children and neighborhood will look to you. Many women are speaking too much in a wrong way. Paul wrote: “teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers…” Their task is to teach their younger ones, such as: “training the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God”(vs. 4,5).

Heb. 10:19-25    Without the above spiritual action in our own families, it is impossible to go to the throne of the holy God, because you will have an unclean conscience (vs. 22). Only then we can give attention to other believers around us in the assemblies.

Heb. 12:1,2         We must look to the Lord Jesus in faith. He is our Example. Only then we can give up our old way of life and walk on the path of light.

Heb. 12:12-28    When we walk through the light of Jesus and His word, we will be able to strength our feeble arms and weak knees. Only then we can make level paths for our feet and also for the feet of our children and family members.

Acts. 16:30-34   God will save whole families, not only one person, but also our children, and grandparents too. Often we see in the Bible that when the head of a family accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the servants in his house will also accept the Lord Jesus.

Acts. 2:37-42      From the moment that people will listen to the message of grace and when they are cut to the heart and begins to ask: “Brothers, what shall we do?” Then you can preach the whole Gospel and tell the listeners that there is hope in and by the work of Jesus on the cross of Golgotha. He shed His blood for sinners. Not for good men who has no need for saving their souls (look in Mat. 9:12,13). But we must hold the right doctrine, the doctrine of the apostles and prophets! That is the foundation of the church (Eph. 2:13-22).

Eph. 5:22-33      Family life is also built on this foundation. When we read in these verses, we learn a lot of real Christian family life. Let us see it in several points:

  1. All things will be changed, when special woman will be listening to the Gospel. Often a real change in family life will begin with the repentance of the wife and their children! The beginning of all the difficulties in this world was through the disobedience and independency of Eve.
  1. When woman accept her husband as the head of the family, things will be good, when she will pray for a blessing for her husband. He will be an example for the whole family and anyone will see the Lord Jesus in his life.
  1. But without love, things will be going wrong. There is written: “Men, love your own wife!” To have more wives, it will be possible in other cultures and religions, but not in the Christian faith!
  1. Such as Christ has washed our souls by His holy Word (1 Pet. 1:22;Tit. 3:5), so through his education the husband can cleans the souls of all the family members!
  1. But he must it do in the right attitude, humble and gentle, in patience, bearing all his family members in love. Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bound of peace (Eph. 4:2,3).
  1. The man must love his (own) wife as his own body! Many men will be good in sports and bodybuilding, they loves their own body! But  a few men will love their wives in this way… In Christ we have a good example. He gave His body for His bride!
  1. Very important for a man is that he will leave his family and to care his wife and give her their own house to bring up their children. Influences of her or his mother give often many troubles! Often the mother will make a stand between her son and his wife!
  1. The focus of this message is vs. 32. Christian family life is an example of Christ and His church, the body of Christ!

Mat. 25:21     When father and mother will be holy and teach their children in a biblical way, then there is a promise of God in verse 21. The Lord will give you His reward! There is written: “Behold! I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” (Rev. 22:12).

Rom. 16:19,20 Another promise is that there will be power against Satan and his tricks!

“The only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.”