Created on: 6/6/01
Created by: M. Nguyen

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Here's the planet that are mencioned on DB, DBZ, and DBGT, If I miss some please e-mail me. Thank you!

Planet Earth: The DBZ Earth is just like our earth, but does not have monsters, such as Dinosaurs, or Mutant like Cats, etc.
Planet Vegeta: Planet Vegeta was ruled by King Vegeta, and named the Planet Vegeta, since the name has been passed down. Planet Vegeta gets destroyed in the Bardock Special when Bardock trys to save his planet but Bardock is no match for his deadly opponent Frieza who easily takes his life as well as most of the saiyans.
New Planet Vegeta: New Planet Vegeta was a man-made Planet by Brolly's Father, Paragus. Paragus has slaves build it so he can lure Vegeta and the others there and Brolly fights them, shortly after the creation of Planet Vegeta, it is destroyed.
Planet Namek: Planet Namek is ruled by Namekians, Green looking creatures, that are mainly good at a defensive tactic when fighting. Planet Namek has green sky and blue grass and water, very different from Planet Earth. Planet Namek is later destroyed by Frieza and Goku while fighting on it.
New Planet Namek: New Planet Namek was created by the Dragonballs and using a wish to create a New Planet Namek. Then the Namekians have their own homes again.
King Kai's Planet: King Kai's Planet is where people that have died go, to train and Fight while they are dead. Goku, Yamcha, Tien, Chaozu, Piccolo, and many others have been here. King Kai's Planet is also very small.
Planet Kanassa: Planet Kanassa is a Planet that has a powerfull existance. The power of Planet Kanassa gives Phychic powers to know the future. Bardock recieves it from one of the planets inhabatants.
Makyo Star: This star was the power source of Garlic Jr.