Created on: 6/6/01
Created by: M. Nguyen

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Super Saiyan-Jins
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Saiya-Jins are a fighting race that are born to fight!  An ability that they have is the ability to change into a giant Oozaru (Saiya-Jin Monkey), this can only happen during a full moon.  That is not a real big thing if you know about Saiya-Jins, because every Saiya-Jin with a tail can do that when there is a full moon.  But something that many people don't know too much about, that is the legendary Super Saiya-Jin!
It was once said that there was a Super Saiya-Jin 3000 years ago, but the thing about this Saiya-Jin was that he didn't know how to control the power.   So he ended up staying in monkey form.  The bad thing about this was that he ended up blowing up a moon and himself because of his great power.  Now the legend was said to be true, but only the Saiya-Jins really believed it.  Nobody else every really believed it.  There was not another Super Saiya-Jin for a long time so the legend was starting to look false!  But then a Saiya-Jin that you would never expect showed everyone what a Saiya-Jin has the ability to do.  He made the legend a real life experience for Frieza and everyone else!  And that Saiya-Jin's name was Goku.  Everyone expected Vegeta to become the first.  But when Goku seen his best friend die before his eyes, he got so angry that he transformed.  He wasn't even trying because he never knew that he had the ability to turn to Super Saiya-Jin level one!

  Super Saiya-Jin Level 1:
Physical Changes: Hair turns to a yellow color, eyes turn green. All senses increase; hearing, sight, speed and strength. For a Saiyan-Jin to reach this level a Saiyan-Jin must train up to the level of a Super Saiyan-Jin.  A Saiya-Jin can have a power level of a Super Saiya-Jin and never transform.  To transform the Saiya-Jin must raise it's anger and desire for revenge.  The heart must be filled with hate and force the body to explode into fury and raise the power level.

When Reached: This form was first reached by Goku during the Frieza saga after witnessing Krillin killed before his eyes.  Then it was reached by Vegeta while training for the arrival of the Androids, by Gohan in the Room of Spirit and Time while Training for the Cell Game.  Mirai No Trunks reached this level afterbeing trained by Gohan and then having him die.  It was reached by Goten and Chibi Trunks easily as if second nature while training for the Tenkaichi Budokai.

Saiya-Jins at level: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Mirai No Trunks, Chibi Trunks, Goten, Brolly

Fused Saiyan-Jins at level: Gogeta, Vegetto, Gotenks

Ultra Super Saiyan-Jin Level 1:
Physical Changes: This really is not another level of Super Saiyan-Jin, instead just the most powerful level before reaching Super Saiya-Jin 2. In this stage, the warrior's muscle increase immensely in size and power level becomes great. The only drawback in this form is that if you only concentrate on strength your speed will suffer greatly, Trunks made this mistake when he couldn't keep up with Perfect Cell. Vegeta found the middle ground where both speed and strength increase. A warriors anger has nothing to do with this transformation, only hard training.

When Reached: Reached by Vegeta and Trunks in the Room of Spirit and Time while training for the battle with Cell. Reached by Goku and Gohan while training for the Cell Game. Reached by Goten and Chibi Trunks before battling Majin Buu. It is unknown when Brolly reaches this level.

Saiyan-Jins at level: Goku, Gohan, Goten, Mirai No Trunks, Chibi Trunks, Vegeta, and Brolly

Fused Saiyan-Jins at level: N/A

Super Saiya-Jin Level 2:
Physical Changes: In this form the hair gets a little bit longer and more yellow. They get a lot faster and quicker and all senses increase much more. Eye's remain green. Shots of electricity shoot from the body.  To reach this level the Saiya-Jin must have already reached Saiya-Jin 1 and pushed harder past the level and become more enraged.

When Reached: Gohan reaches this level right before leaving the Room Of Spirit and Time. Goku reaches this in the after life. Vegeta reaches this level under the control of Babi-Dee (Majin Vegeta)

Saiya-Jins at level: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta

Fused Saiya-Jins at level:  Vegetto

 Super Saiya-Jin Level 3:

Physical Changes:Hair becomes extremely long and more of a gold hue, the hair is almost comparable to gold Raditz-like hair. About 4 feet in length. The eyebrows disappear and the forehead enlarges. Speed, technique, and power increases immensely. There are two forms of this, one being normal Super Saiya-Jin 3 and a fully powered up form of Super Saiya-Jin 3. In the fully powered, the Saiya-Jins power level and attacks are so powerful that he wastes a lot of energy this way.

When Reached: Goku reaches this level in the next dimension training after the Cell Game. Gotenks reached this level while training in the Room of Spirit and Time.

Saiya-Jins at level: Goku

Fused Saiya-Jins at level: Gotenks

Golden Oozaru:
Physical Changes: This is a stage that must be reached before the Saiya-Jin can reach Super Saiya-Jin 4.  It is accomplished when a Super Saiya-Jin with a tail looks at the Planet Earth from the Planet Plant.  Like a regular Saiya-Jin looking at the moon, the Saiya-Jin increases their power level ten times. The Saiya-Jin grows to an enormous size and for sometime is uncontrollable.  After this stage is reached it is easy for the Saiya-Jin to attain Super Saiya-Jin Level 4.

When Reached: Goku reaches this level on planet Plant, fighting against Bebi after Kaioshin's pulled out Goku's tail. And just as before, in regular Oozaru form, he loses all control under this transformation.  Bebi-Vegeta reaches this level on planet Plant thanks to the gadget that Bulma makes for him to shoot him with Brute Waves.

Saiya-Jins at level: Goku and Bebi-Vegeta

Super Saiya-Jin Level 4:
Physical Changes: The hair remains black, there  is red fur covering the whole body except for chest, hands, and face there eyes turn evil looking and the eyes are surrounded by red. Also the Saiya-Jin appears to be smaller and muscular and a cross between a Saiya-Jin and an Oozaru. Is only reached in GT. This is the highest Super Saiya-Jin Level ever reached and by far the most powerful.  In this level, everything increases, speed, technique, energy, and raw power!

Note: In the fused Gogeta Super Saiya-Jin 4, the hair is brownish-red and eyebrows are red also. Eyes become evil looking and black with Red Eye Lids.

When Reached: Goku reaches this level on planet Plant, fighting against Bebi-Vegeta, thanks to the words of Pan to calm him down in Golden Oozaru form.  Vegeta reaches this level fighting against Li Shenlong with the help of the same Brute Wave gadget that Bulma built.

Saiya-Jins at level: Goku and Vegeta

Fused Saiya-Jins at level: Gogeta

Super Saiya-Jin Level 5:

This level is unknown.