Created on: 6/6/01
Created by: M. Nguyen
Little Saiyalings
Attack List
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Here's the attack list of every Z-warrion and enemies on DB, DBZ, GT.
12 Eyes: This is a technique used by Tien where he splits himself into four different entities. Each Tien entity created can fight and be attacked. The only problem with this move is that each of the four entities of Tien only has a quarter of the power and the speed than if there was only the one original Tien. Later in the series Piccolo and Cell learn how to use this move also.
Akumaitokosen: This is a special energy wave designed explicitly for a quick kill of one's opponent. When the wave strikes its victim, the evil in his heart expands and causes his heart to explode. Of course, the victim then must have some evil in his heart for the attack to work.
Bakuhatsuha: By raising two fingers, the user of this attack can create a large explosion that will totally decimate the surrounding area or the ground under an opponent.
Bakurikimaha: An ultimate ki attack, this is an extremely powerful ki blast shot from one hand, the other gripping the shooting hand's wrist for support.
Barrier: This purely defensive technique forms a Ki-shield around the body that protects the user from Ki or similar attacks. There are two forms of this maneuver. One is a spherical shield that surrounds the body, the other is more of a coating of the body.
Big Bang Attack: Big Bang attack is a huge bolt of incredible destructive power. The person holds one flat palm forward towards his enemy and launches the bolt.
Body Change: This technique is used by the leader of the Ginyu-Tokusentai, Ginyu. Ginyu spreads his limbs out, shouts "Change!" and shoots out a bolt of energy, and if it hits its target, Ginyu changes bodies with that person. Ginyu then gains the strength and speed of his target, but not his special techniques or ki. After changing bodies, Ginyu can still do a Body Change. Ginyu will change bodies with the first person to hit his change beam, and thus if someone gets in the way of his intended target, Ginyu will change bodies with that person instead.
Bukujutsu: The ability to fly with one's ki.
Burning Attack: A powerful energy blast shot from both hands. It is done when holding both hands forward, while doing some strange arm moves, and then put both hands forward again, index fingers and thumbs touching. Then release the blast.
Chou Kamehameha: "Ultimate" Kamehame-ha. Goku uses it first while facing Piccolo in volume 16.
Chobakuretsumaha: Done when you power up the blast between the palms of the hands in front of his chest, then releases the blast.
Chonoryoku: A very unique technique done when both hands, or a single hand are put forward which can manipulate the bodily movements of his opponent to an extent, providing that the opponent is not too powerful. The person can stop someone's movements or cause internal pain with this technique.
Crasher Ball: The Crasher Ball is a ki-ball that is produced from the palm of the hand.
Daichiretsuzan: With a swipe of the hand with two fingers extended, it creates an invisible cutting beam that goes a long way.
Death Ball: This is a small ball of energy which can be created from either the tip of the finger or with both hands.
Dodonpa: A blast shot from one finger, which explodes upon impact.
Double Tsuihikidan: It shoots a Kamehameha-like blast from each hand, and can be guided towards the enemy.
Dynamite Kick: A charging kick.
Energy Kyushu: It absorbs energy, either from people's bodies or their ki blasts, through the holes in the palms of their hands.
Eraser Cannon: It is a large, powerful Ki blast shot from the mouth, and can destroy in a very large radius from where it hits.
Eye Beam: It is basically a double ki blast shot from the eyes.
Frieza Beam: A beam of energy shot from one finger.
Fusenko: You draw in your breath while falling down, puffing yourself up and slowing your fall.Galactica Donut: It is a ring of energy that Gotenks can control to change size of the diameter of the donut. The Donut can be used to surround the enemy and trap him by holding his limbs with the donut.
Fusion: This technique is used to fuse two people into a single person, and give the fused person a huge power boost. Anyone can do the Fusion, but you have the same power as whoever you fuse with, and you must learn the correct pose and form. It's easy to make a mistake and fuse into something far weaker though. The Fusion lasts for 30 minutes before the fused person becomes two again.
Galick-Ho: You power up the blast like the Kamehameha, but when you release the blast, your hands are both palm-forward.
Gekitotsu Buu Buu Volleyball: After trapping someone with Renzoku Super Donuts, you beat the ball around a bit before spiking it really hard into the earth.
Genki Dama (spirit bomb): A large ball of energy gathered from nature, humans, etc., which lend you their energy.
Genocide Attack: A series of Ki blasts shot into the air, which seek their targets upon being fired.
Guruguru Gum: You spit up a strange sticky substance at your opponent. The Gum then wraps around the victim, inhibiting his movement.
Guru Charge-Up: This is a major power-up gained by only the most noble warriors, with a pure heart, and good intentions. Guru releases the hidden potential inside the person he is doing it on, giving them an extra power, like more strength, or healing capabilities if they had the potential to do that.
Haikyuken: You treat your opponent like a volleyball and hit them around volleyball style.
Hankokubikkurisho: It shoots a Ki blast forward using both hands and traps his victim in a shocking field of energy from which the opponent cannot escape.
Haretsu no Maho: A magic spell used to make people explode.
Hasshuken: When you move your arms fast enough so there are like eight, and you attack with all eight at once.
Hell's Flash: Fires a powerful blast from cannons under your wrists.
Hiding ki: A select group of people are able to hide their ki, so it seems that they are a lot less powerful than they really are. This is a skill that Earthlings really excel in, and can be useful for throwing enemies off, and making them underestimate you. Vegeta has managed to master this, along with the Earthlings, as he has been a witness of them doing this, and managed to pick up on it. This technique has been utilized many times, and has fooled even the most intelligent enemies.
Honoo: A powerful breath of fire.
Jan-Ken Punch: A Japanese game identical to that of "Rock, Paper, Scissors." Goku then has three different types of Jan-Ken Punches.
Ki Absorption This is an extremely useful technique used by the androids where they absorb the energy from any living thing. For instance, they could grab a powerful fighter, and drain him of his incredibly strength, being given it as his own. Another pro of the energy absorption is that it can be done against ki attacks. An example of this is when #19 used a device in his hand to suck in Goku's KameHameHa, and use it to boost his power greatly. Gero could also do this, making them both very powerful opponents, with limitless potential.
Ki Attacks: A ki attack is an energy beam, or ball, which is made by the attacker. The different attacks require different techniques to do. Most of them require great concentration, and arm movements which are very complicated. Different warriors tend to have their own signature attacks, such as the KameHameHa, Kai-o-kan, Spirit Bomb, Masenko, etc. The attacks can be used in battle, or be used to boost yourself up as you fall to the ground, should that scenario ever arise. ki can be used to dry off clothes, light fires, emit heat, and other things along those lines. To use a ki attack, you first must gather energy, and the more powerful you are, the faster you can do it.
Kaioken: This technique is used by Goku. It let your power increase tremendously, and your senses.
Kakusandan: Shoots a blast from each hand. Then control the blasts so that they merge and then directs it above the heads of the enemies. Thereupon split the blast again into many smaller bolts which rain down upon the enemies.
Kakusanyudokodan: Fires many Ki bolts around the opponent, surrounding them, then controls the bolts so they all shoot toward their target.
Kamehameha: It is a blast, which to start is charged up held behind the firer in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy.
Kiai: This technique is used simply by yelling really loud which disperses weaker Ki attacks.
Kiaiho: An invisible force attack that knocks one's opponent back. It can be shot either from an open palm or from the eyes.
Kienzan: It is a flat, disc-shaped Ki blast, which can be used to slice through its target with deadly accuracy.
Kikoho: You put the tips of your fingers of both hands together, forming kind of a triangle between his fingers and his thumbs. Then you shoot a very powerful blast through the triangle at his opponent.
Ki No Tsurugi: A Ki beam that shoots out somewhat as an extention of the hand and can be swung and stabbed to cut or pierce enemies.
Kyodaika: It lets you grow your body to a huge size, making the range and strength of your blows much more effective.
Mafuba: It is a swirling blast of energy shot at the intended demon. Once caught in the blast, the blast is directed into a jar, bottle, or other imprisonment container, thus imprisoning said demon. However, if the container is opened, whoever is trapped inside will be freed.
Makankosappo: A penetrating blast shot from two fingers. It is actually two blasts, one going straight ahead and the other coiling around the first for drilling power. This attack drills through everything it hits, and eventually blows up when it hits something big enough.
Makosen: It gathers Ki into both of your arms, then fires a blast from each one after the other.
Masenko: It powers up a blast over your head with both of your hands, one palm behind the other, then you bring your hands down in front of you to fire the blast.
Mystic Attack: Using the Namek ability to extend their arms, Nameks extends their arm at the enemy from a distance, thus surprising them.
Namekian Fusion: The fusion between Nameks is slightly different to the other kinds. Rather than merging into one completely new being, Nameks fuse into one another, with one being the base, and one submitting their power and knowledge into that person. An example of this is when Piccolo fused with Kami, he was given his wise knowledge, and extra strength, but still had complete control over his thoughts and actions. From what has been said by people such as Piccolo and Kami, it seems that it is possible for the Nameks to split at anytime they feel like, although they never do. It seems as though a slight appearance change is apparent, with their facial features shifting slightly, so that it is almost unnoticeable. Anyone familiar with 'Kamiccolo' would have noticed this. For the actual fusion to start, the base Namek puts his hand on the other Namek, and they fuse into one, with the body of the Namek submitting his power disappearing. This method has it's strengths and weaknesses, but it's main ones is that it lasts a lot longer, albeit not making the product of the fuse as strong as in the Saiyan one.
Oozaru: When a Saiyan looks up at a full moon, and has a tail, then a strange transformation occurs. They become even more violent, and most lose control of their actions, becoming a terrible destructive force. Vegeta is the only know person who can control themselves after transforming into an Oozaru. The biggest strength of turning into one of these giant ape-like creatures is that your fighting power is increased 10 fold, and you are even faster, despite your intimidating size. Without a tail or the moon, a Saiyan cannot maintain, or turn into their Oozaru state, meaning they are degraded back into their normal form, losing a lot of energy in doing so.

Papparapar: This is a magic spell used to teleport people in Babidi's spaceship.
Racoome Boom: Essentially a mouth beam, this attack is performed by the showoff member of the Ginyu Force - Racoome. He opens his mouth wide, and emits a blast of incredible power, capable of destroying much of the landscape. It is his most powerful attack, and almost kills Vegeta upon him using it. If he would have got a hit, it would have certainly finished the Saiyan off.
Rogafufuken: Preparing yourself in a special stance, attacks with many "claw-like" punches and kicks, finishing off with a double-fisted "claw-punch."
Renzoku Energy Dan: The user of this technique can shoot bolts continuously from their hands, resulting in somewhat of a "machine-gun ki blast" effect.
Renzoku Shine: This is Gotenks' adaptation of the Renzoku Energy Dan technique.
Rikum Kick: A charging knee blow.
Rikum Mahha Attack: A charging punch.
Saiko No Kogeki: A blast that is shot out of the mouth.
Saimin Nno Jutsu: Used to hypnotize someone and affect his/her mind.
Saruken: A distract and avoid technique.
Sekikatsuba: The person's saliva will turn whatever it hits to stone.
Sensing Ki: Some people can sense ki without the use of any high-tech equipment. They close their eyes, look in the general direction of the power that they hope to sense, and try their best to feel it out. To sense the power, they must be searching for the approximate range that the power would go in, because if they search too high for example, they wouldn't be able to sense people with low power levels, such as people near to death. This is the primary requisite of many warriors, as they can sense how strong their opponents are. The problem with this is that you can't get the exact power, but can usually tell whether it is stronger, or weaker than your own though. The advantage is that it doesn't cost anything, unlike the expensive scouters. Using this method, they can dodge enemy attacks by sensing for their ki. Most humans, and Earthlings can use this skill, as can Vegeta, as he learned it from them. Most of the evil people are unable to use this ability though, because no one has taught it them, or they haven't picked up on it.
Shishin No Ken: This technique is used to split a person into four different parts. Each person created is not just an image like that created with the Zanzoken, but can fight and be attacked. The only problem with the Shishin No Ken move is that each person has only has a quarter of the power and the speed than if there was only one.
Shiyoken: It sprouts out an extra set of arms from the shoulders.
Shogekiha: Is an invisible blast shot from the eyes or hand.
Shunkanido (instantranmission): The user places two fingers on his forehead, searches for a Ki he wants to go to, then when he finds it, can teleport there.
Sokidan: This is a round energy ball shot from the palm of the hand.
Suiken: The person acts drunk and wobbles around. Thereby, he confuses his opponent, and hits them when they are off guard.
Super Android: Not many people are aware of this transformation, as it only happens in a film, and in Dragonball GT. It happens from a technique which is extremely similar to fusion, where the android absorbs parts of other androids in order to gain a power up and become even more of a monster. Because of the way Dr Gero built #13, he was able to use the parts of the other dead androids to make him far stronger, turning into an almost unstoppable force, far stronger than even a Super Saiyan. There doesn't seem to be any downside to this form either, other than a sudden uncontrollable urge for violence, but as it isn't a very likely occurrence for androids not to be violent, it doesn't really matter. The first Super Androids appeared in Movie 7: The Three Super Saiyan, and as already mentioned, it was #13.
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: It spits out a ghost-like form closely resembling the person. The ghostlike form has a mind of its own, and when it hits anything, it explodes, severely damaging whatever is caught in the blast.
Taiyoken: The user puts his hands in front of his face, says "Taiyoken," and lights up very bright, so much that he blinds his opponent.
Tenkubekejiken: The user of this technique jumps high in the air, then on the way down, face forward with his arms in an "X" position, landing on his opponent with the arm "X."
Time stop: This is an attack when used freezes time for his opponents so that they are frozen in whatever position they were in but the user have to hold their breath.
Tsuihidan: It is a Ki blast, and it tracks its enemy.
Udebunrikogeki: The user of this technique pulls a piece off of his body and controls it to attack his opponent in some way.
Yoikominminken: It is a hypnosis technique used to put people into a deep sleep, by using a strange voice and hand motions.
Yokaieki: This is a technique used by the Saibaimen. They split their head in two and shoot a stream of acid from it, which is very dangerous if it hits its target.
Zanzoken: The user can move so fast he leaves an after-image, while attacking from another standpoint.
