Created on: 6/6/01
Created by: M. Nguyen

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Little Saiyalings

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Episodes List

Dragonball Z

1) Radditz lands on earth, Gohan falls in a river Piccolo fights Radditz
2) Radditz arrives at Kame house and kidnaps Gohan
3) Goku and Piccolo team up and go to Gohan's rescue
4) Goku and Piccolo battle Radditz
5) Goku sacrifices his life so Radditz can be stopped
6) Goku has his sentence in the afterlife, Piccolo takes Gohan for training
7) Goku travels Snakeway, Krillin goes to see Chi-chi, Gohan trains
8) While trapped on a hill Gohan transforms into a Oozaru
9) Gohan falls into an underground cave and finds an old, wrecked machine
10) Yamcha helps the gang to train, Gohan helps a dinosaur
11) Vegeta and Nappa destroy Arlia
12) Tienshinhan saves Lunch from a flood, Goku falls off Snakeway
13) Goku attempts to get back on Snakeway, takes secret route
14) Goku tempted by Princess Snake, he refuses, she attacks
15) Gohan caught in storm at sea, Piccolo trains
16) Gohan meets a group of orphans
17) Piccolo trains Gohan, others train in the Pendulum Room
18) The fake moon makes Gohan transform into an Oozaru, Goku meets King Kai
19) King Kai trains Goku by making him chase Bubbles
20) Goku gets a mallet and trains with Gregory
21) Goku revived, Vegeta and Nappa land
22) All exept Goku fight Vegeta and Nappa, Nappa makes Saibamen
23) Yamcha is killed by the Saibamen
24) Tienshihan's forearm is cut off, Chaozu dies
25) All fight Nappa, Tienshihan killed
26) Nappa destroys the media and the Navy
27) Krillin cuts Nappa's face, Piccolo protects Gohan and dies
28) Kami and Piccolo die, Goku arrives and fights Nappa
29) Goku fights Nappa, Vegeta kills Nappa
30) Goku fights Vegeta
31) Goku starts to charge up, Vegeta goes Oozaru
32) Goku battles Oozaru Vegeta
33) Gohan and Krillin return, Yajirobe cuts off Vegeta's tail off
34) Gohan deflects a Genkidama, Vegeta sees Gohan's tail
35) Gohan turns Oozaru and defeats Vegeta, Vegeta escapes
36) The crew is rescued, and they learn of the Namek Dragonballs
37) Mr. Popo shows Bulma the Namek spaceship
38) Repairs spaceship.Bulma, Krillrin, and Gohan leave
39) Fights alien squad, captured by kids
40) Bulma saves the kids' spaceship, Vegeta arrives on Frieza #49 to heal
41) The crew lands on a fake Namek, hunts for dragonballs
42) Vegeta heals, the crew looks for fake dragonballs
43) Looks for dragonballs, held captive, Vegeta heads to Namek
44) Escapes fake Namek, arrives at the real one
45) Krillin and Gohan battles Frieza's henchmen, Vegeta kills Kiwi
46) Frieza hunts for dragonballs, Goku heads off for Namek
47) Frieza kills some Nameks, others fight his henchmen
48) Dodoria kills Cargo, Krillin and Gohan save Dende
49) Gohan and Krillrin escape from Dodoria, Vegeta kills Dodoria
50) Vegeta searches for Krillin and Gohan, they escape and get to Bulma
51) Vegeta finds a dragonball and hides it, King Kai tells Gokou his friends are on his planet
52) King Kai order Goku not to fight Frieza, Vegeta battles Zarbon
53) Zarbon transforms and beats Vegeta, Dende brings Krillin to Guru
54) Guru gives Krillrin a dragonball and releases a dragonball
55) The crew trains at King Kai's planet, Vegeta steals 5 dragonballs
56) Gohan finds Vegeta's hidden dragonball
57) Vegeta kills Zarbon and takes Krillin's dragonball
58) Frieza calls for the Ginyu Force, Vegeta confronts Gohan
59) A dragonball falls into the ocean, Bulma attempts to retrieve it
60) Frieza's men make Bulma dive for dragonballs, she escapes
61) Guru awakens Gohans power, the Ginyu Force arrives
62) The Ginyu attacks, and takes the 7 dragonballs
63) Gohan and Krillin fight Gurudo, Vegeta beheads him
64) Vegeta fight Recume, Krillin gets knocked out
65) Vegeta battles Recume, Gohans neck got broken, Goku lands on Namek
66) Goku gives out Senzu Beans, Goku defeats Recume
67) Goku battles Jeice and Burtaa
68) Goku defeats Burtaa, Jeice escapes
69) Goku battles Ginyu and Jeice
70) Frieza attacks Nameks at Guru's temple
71) Frieza fights Nail, Goku and Ginyu switch bodies
72) Vegeta return to Frieza's ship and attempts to summon the dragon
73) Krillin and Gohan fight Ginyu in Goku's body, Vegeta kills Jeice
74) Goku gets his body back, Ginyu changes bodies with a toad
75) Frieza defeats Nail, Krillin finds Dende, they summon the dragon
76) Piccolo brought to Namek, Frieza confronts the crew
77) Piccolo and Nail merge, Frieza goes to his second form
78) Frieza tells about the destruction on Planet Vegeta, he impales Krillin
79) Gohan is enraged and fights Frieza
80) Krillin recovers, fights Frieza, Dende heals Gohan
81) Piccolo fights Frieza
82) Frieza transformed to  stage 3
83) Gohan helps Piccolo, Krillin shoots Vegeta, Furiza goes to his final form.
84) Frieza kills Dende, all fight Frieza
85) Vegeta loses to Frieza, Goku healed
86) Goku arrives, Frieza kills Vegeta
87) Goku fights Frieza
88) Goku and Frieza fight using only Ki
89) Goku fights Frieza, Frog Ginyu exchanges bodies with Bulma
90) Goku fights Frieza, Ginyu a.k.a Bulma finds the others
91) Ginyu attempts to switch with Piccolo, Gohan through Bulma in the way
92) Gokou continues to fight Frieza, the Ginyu Team arrives at King Kai's planet
93) Ginyu team wreaks havoc
94) Goku fires Genkidama at Frieza, Ginyu team fights with all at King Kai's planet
95) Ginyu Team knocked into hell, Frieza kills Krillin Goku goes Super Saiya-Jin
96) SSJ Goku fights Frieza, Gohan leaves with Piccolo
97) SSJ Goku fights Frieza
98) Frieza reaches maximum power, Gohan brings Bulma to Goku's ship
99) SSJ Goku fights Frieza, Shenlong summoned
100) Goku fights Frieza, Shenlong revives all killed by Frieza
101) Dende wishes for Porunga to send all but Goku and Frieza to Earth
102) Character reflect on Goku, Goku battles Frieza
103) Frieza launches homing Kienzans at Goku
104) Frieza cut in half by his own Kienzans
105) Namek dragonballs fall to Earth, Frieza alive in pieces
106) Goku attempts to leave Namek, Gohan fights Vegeta
107) Porunga called on Earth, everyone revived, Vegeta leaves
108) Krillin dates Marron, Garlic Jr. appears and wreaks havoc at Kami's
109) Chi-chi, Bulma, Yamcha, and Kamesenin posessed by the mist
110) Garlic Jr.'s henchmen makes Piccolo join them, Gohan and Krillin go to Kami's
111) Gohan and Kururin fight Garlic Jr. and henchmen, Kururin knocked out
112) Gohan fights Piccolo, Piccolo bites Krillin
113) Piccolo and Krillin turn to normal, Kami freed, Garlic mutates
114) Two henchmen mutates, battle continues
115) Battle Garlic Jr.
116) Garlic Jr. gets sucked into the Deadzone, Earth back to normal
117) Gohan and Krillin dive for pearl Marron dumps Krillin
118) Gohan has an asshole tutor, Vegeta lands on Earth
119) Trunks appears, everyone assembles to fight Frieza, his ship lands
120) Trunks kills King Kold's henchmen, Goes SSJ
121) Trunks cuts Frieza to pieces and disintegrates him, kills King Cold
122) Goku meets Trunks, Trunks tells Goku of his death
123) Goku tells about his escape from Namek, shows off Instantaneous Movement
124) All train for the Android battle
125) Goku and Piccolo get driver's licenses
126) Androids #19 and #20 arrives in city, Yamcha impaled by #20
127) Confront the Androids, give Yamcha a senzu, battle Androids
128) Battle #19, he tells of Red Ribbon, absorbs fireball
129) Goku collapses, Vegeta turns Super Saiya-jin
130) Vegeta rips of #19's arms and disintegrates him #20 runs
131) Piccolo battles #20, #20 loses an arm, Trunks comes back
132) The group chases #20, They learn that Trunks is Vegeta's son
133) #20 attacks Krillin, #20 revives #19 and #18
134) #17 kills #20, #18 revives #16
135) Vegeta battles #18, #18 breaks his arm, Trunks attacks #18
136) #s 17 and 18 take out Trunks, Piccolo, Tienshinhan, and Vegeta
137) Goku's sick, Piccolo reminisces about Goku
138) Androids #16, 17, and18 steal a van and take out a gang of bikers
139) Trunks tells about his future, Goku has nightmares about death
140) Gohan and Trunks meet Bulma at the time capsule, find husk of Cell
141) #18 has a run in with the police, Piccolo and Kami merge
142) Cell drains civilian, Piccolo battles Cell
143) Cell drains Piccolo's arm, destroys the armed force, tells of his arrival
144) Cell escapes Piccolo, drains life of a football team
145) The crew destroys the cave where Cell was incubating in this timeline
146) Krillin fights Cell on an airplane, Cell escapes, Goku recovers
147) Meet at Kami's, Trunks and Vegeta enter Room of Spirit and Time
148) Piccolo fights 17, he tries to destroy 17, Cell is in a city
149) Bulma makes an Android Detonator
150) Piccolo and 17 fight Cell
151) 17 fights Cell, Tienshinhan shows up, 17 almost gets drained
152) 16 fights Cell, Cell absorbs 17, Tienshinhan Kikohos Cell
153) Tienshinhan unconscious, Goku takes fallen heroes to Kami's
154) All train at Kami's, Cell destroys cities
155) Goku and Gohan enter Room of Spirit and Time
156) Vegeta fights Cell, Goku and Gohan train
157) Vegeta and Trunks battle Cell
158) Goku and Gohan train, Cell sees 18 and tries to absorb her
159) Vegeta, Trunks, and 16 battle Cell, Cell absorbs 18
160) Cell mutates to Perfect Cell, Gohan turns SSJ
161) Vegeta fights Cell, Goku and Gohan train
162) Vegeta blows Cell in half, Cell regenerates, Trunks charges up
163) Trunks fights Cell, Kururin leaves with unconscious Vegeta
164) Trunks and Cell explain their pasts
165) Trunks fights Cell
166) Trunks and Cell go seperate ways, all reflect on the past
167) Bulma repairs #16, Cell goes on T.V. to challenge Gokou
168) Tell Goku and Gohan of Cell as they eat
169) Shows Karin their new power levels, hair stays gold, be with family
170) Gohan saves girls life in a town of an evil business man
171) On Gohans birthday Goku and Chi-chi remember Gohan as a baby
172) Army attacks Cell, Cell destroys it, Goku warps to King Kai's planet
173) Dende brings the dragonballs back
174) Goku goes after the two dragonballs that Tao Pie Pie has
175) Mr. Satan arrives to fight Cell, everyone else shows up
176) Satan Squad shows off, Mr. Satan flicked away by Cell
177) Goku fights Cell, Goku goes SSJ
178) Cell powers up, Cell shoots homing fireballs
179) Goku shoots off Cell arms and head
180) Cell regenerates, Gokou continues fighting him
181) Goku gives Cell a Senzu Bean and lets Gohan fight him
182) Gohan fights Cell
183) Gohan fights Cell, #16 fights Cell, his body is destroyed
184) Cell Jr. badly defeats everyone, #16 head crushed by Cell
185) Gohan kills Cell Jr.
186) Gohan fights Cell
187) Gohan punches Cell, Cell regurgitates #18
188) Goku warps to King Kai's planet, Cell kills Trunks, Goku and King Kai
189) Vegeta goes insane on Cell for killing Trunks
190) Gohan fights Cell
191) Gohan kills Cell
192) Return to Kami's, Shenlong revives Trunks and #18
193) Everyone goes seperate ways after killing Cell
194) Trunks returns to his timeline, kills #s 17, 18, and Cell
195) Goku and Pikon fight Frieza and Cell in the afterlife
196) Beginning of Anoyobodouki
197) Goku fights fishman, Pikon fights Adonis type
198) Goku fights a dinosaur, begins fighting Pikon
199) Goku beats Pikon but gets disqualified, end of Anoyobodouki
200) Seven years later, Gohan enlists in Orange Star High School
201) Gohan gets the Saiyaman watch from Bulma, costume inside
202) Angela tries to reveal what she thinks Gohan's secret is
203) Gohan saves hostages, fights Videl
204) Gohan rescues baby petrodactyl from a cruel circus
205) Gohan hears from Goku, starts training Goten
206) Everyone trains for Tenachi-Budouki, Goten achieves SSJ
207) Gohan trains Videl, Trunks and Vegeta spar, Videl cuts her hair
208) Videl learns to fly, all meet at Tenachi-Budouki, Goku returns
209) Photographer takes pictures of the group, Piccolo breaks the camera
210) Tenachi-Budouki starts, Mr. Satan reenacts Cell Game
211) Fix testing machine, Goten fights Trunks
212) Trunks defeats Goten, Mr. Satan worried
213) Trunks defeats Mr. Satan in one punch, meets Kibit and Kaioushin
214) Trunks and Goten disguise themselves as Mighty Mask
215) Krillin wins his fight, Piccolo concedes to Kaioushin
216) Videl fights Supopobichi
217) Videl loses
218) Videl in hospital, Gohan gives her a Senzu Bean, Gohan faces Kibit
219) Yamu and Supopobichi steal Gohan's power
220) Yamu and Supopobichi return to Babi-Di's ship
221) Dabura turns Krillin and Piccolo into stone, Vegeta fights Pui-Pui
222) Vegeta wins, Goku faces Yakon
223) Goku fights Yakon
224) #18, Mighty Mask, Jewel, and another opponent fight
225) #18 reveals that Mighty Mask is Goten and Trunks
226) #18 throws the fight to Mr. Satan for Videl's sake
227) Gohan's glove turned to stone, Gohan breaks Dabura's sword
228) Vegeta possesed to Majin, destroys Tenachi-Budouki arena
229) Warps to desert, Gohan and Kaioushin inside Babi-di's ship
230) Goku fights Vegeta, Gohan and Kaioushin fight inside Babi-Di's ship
231) Gohan and Kaioushin reach Majin egg chamber, Goku fights Vegeta
232) Majin Buu egg hatches, Goku fights Vegeta
233) Buu trashes Dabura, Vegeta knocks Goku out
234) Buu trashes Gohan and Kaioushin, Trunks breaks stone Piccolo
235) Buu turns Dabura into a cookie and eats him, Krillin and Pike back
236) Vegeta fights Buu, Vegeta's arm is injured, Buu divides
237) Trunks and Goten aide Vegeta in battle, Piccolo attacks Babi-Di
238) Vegeta attempts to disintegrate Majin Buu, but turns to stone
239) Looks for dragonballs, Buu wreaks havoc, Goku is regenerated by Dende
240) Talks to Mr. Popo and Dende, Shenlong resurredts all but Vegeta
241) Buu destroys a city, Kibit heals Kaoiushin, they find Gohan
242) Majin Buu terrorizes city, Trunks and Goten regain consciousness
243) Gohan withdraws the legendary sword, Majin Buu destroys more cities
244) Buu wreaks havoc, Goku attempts to stop Buu
245) Goku turns SSJ3, Goku fights Buu
246) SSJ3 Goku fights Buu, Buu knocks off Babi-Di's head
247) Goten and Trunks are shown how to perform the Fusion Dance
248) Goten and Trunks train at the fusion dance, Buu builds a house
249) Goku meets up with Gohan, Piccolo trains Goten and Trunks
250) Piccolo trains Goten and Trunks, Goku and Gohan break the Z-Sword
251) Goten and Trunks fuse, they get it wrong a few times
252) Mr. Satan and Majin Buu become friends
253) Men Men the sniper kills Buu's puppy and an old couple
254) Majin Buu heals the puppy, Buu expels the evil from within
255) The evil from Majin Buu forms an evil Buu, Super Buu
256) Super Buu launches a fountain of fireballs from Kami's lookout
257) Super Buu turns Chi-chi into an egg, Gotenks challenges Super Buu
258) Gotenks starts his Super Ghost Kami-kazi Attack
259) Gotenks launches the ghosts
260) Super Buu creates a portal to leave the Room of Spirit and Time, as does SSJ3 Gotenks
261) Super Buu fights SSJ3 Gotenks
262) Gotenks fights Super Buu, Gohan transforms into Mystic Gohan
263) Gohan arrives and fights Super Buu
264) Gohan fights Super Buu, Super Buu charges up, they find Dende
265) Super Buu absorbs Gotenks and mutates, Gohan fights Super Buu
266) Gohan fights Super Buu, Vegeta at the gates of heaven
267) Tienshinhan returns, Super Buu absorbs Gohan
268) Vegeta fight Super Buu, Goku and Vegeta fuse into Vegetto
269) Vegetto fights Super Buu, Bulma, Chi-chi, and Dabura are in Heaven
270) Vegetto fights Super Buu other train in Heaven
271) Super Buu does the change attack, Vegetto becomes a milkball
272) Milkball Vegetto fights Super Buu, Vegetto absorbed by Super Buu
273) Vegetto defuses, Goku and Vegeta explore Super Buu's interior
274) Vegeta and Goku meet up with the other people that Super Buu has absorbed
275) Vegeta and Goku fight a vision of Super Buu while inside him
276) Vegeta tears the absorption pods out of Super Buu
277) Vegeta and Goku escape
278) Super Buu de-evolves into Kid Buu
279) Vegeta and Goku decide who will fight Kid Buu first
280) SSJ3 Goku fights Kid Buu, Goku knocked down
281) Goku fights Kid Buu, Vegeta fights Kid Buu, Kid Buu beats Vegeta
282) Kid Buu trashes Vegeta, Kid Buu spits out Majin Buu
283) Majin Buu fights Kid Buu, Porunga is summoned, Earth back to life
284) All the people of Earth raise their hands to create a Genkidama
285) Majin Buu fights Kid Buu to keep his attention off of Goku
286) Goku destroys Kid Buu with a Genkidama
287) Vegeta wants to vaporize Majin Buu, Mr. Satan stops him
288) Goku saves pterodactyl eggs from a storm, misses a party for them
289) Eight years later everyone gathers for the Tenachi-Budouki
290) The Tenachi-Budouki starts, fighting assignments passed out
291) Goku leaves his family and friends, flies off to train Ubuu
Dragonball GT

1) The mysterious Dragonballs appear!! Goku becomes a child!?
2) I am the Leader! Pan Flies into Space!!
3) The Ultimate Moneygrubbers!! Imegga, Planet of Merchants
4) Wanted!! Goku is a criminal!?
5) See, the Strong Guy!! The Bodyguard Rejjik
6) It hurts, eh!? Goku the dentist
7) Beloved Honey!? The Betrothed is Trunks
8) Goku also Thunders!! The Whiskers' Power is at Full
9) Damn!! Goku Leaps into the Trap Planet!?
10) Dance Attack!? Boom-shakalaka!!
11) The Curse of Ruudo!? Pan turns into a Doll
12) The Oracle of God is REALLY Troublesome!! Soldier Ruudo
13) This is Father and Son? The Riddle of Scientist Myuu
14) Can We Get the Rhythm Down Perfectly!? Capture Ruudo!!
15) "I Can't Take Anymore!!" Pan Runs Away!?
16) Machine Planet M2... Gill the Backstabber!?
17) Waiting for Pan!! The Tactical Strike to Rescue Goku!!
18) Yo, Some Data is Missing!! Goku's Ultimate True Determination
19) Set Out and Attack!! The Mighty Mutant Rirudo
20) Surprise!! Goku's Attacked By a Metal Storm
21) What is this!! Goku is Turned to Metal
22) Violent Ambition!! Birth of the Evil 'Baby'
23) A Hidden Crisis!? A Spacewrecked and Mysterious Boy
24) Bebi's Counterattack!! Target the Saiya-jin!!
25) Oh no!! Bebi Has Appeared on Earth
26) Gohan and Goten... The Worst Brotherly Spat!?
27) Ambition Achieved!? Vegeta Possessed
28) Goku Returns... "All of Earth is My Enemy!?"
29) This is Really Bad!? Super Saiya-jin 3 Fails!!
30) Goku Has Passed On!? "I'm Dead."
31) What the...!? The Sky of Suguro-ku Studio is Collapsing
32) Goku Returns!! Angry Fighter Uubu
33) Eat This, Bebi! New Uubu's Killing Light Ray!!
34) The Transformation Fails!? Giant Ape Goku's Rampage!
35) Final Strength! Gokuu Becomes Super Goku 4!!
36) Immortal Monster!? Atrocious Giant Monkey Baby
37) Bebi and Goku -- Double KO!!
38) From Everyone's Power... The Revival of Super Goku 4
39) This is How it Ends! At Last, Bebi's Extinction
40) Earth Explodes!! Piccolo's Serious Determination
41) Tenkai-Ichi Budoukai. Who Will Be Satan's Successor?
42) Die, Goku!! The Revived Strong Enemies Escape From Hell
43) Hell's Devil Fighters!! The Revival of Cell and Freeza
44) The Ultimate Android! The Two #17s Unite
45) Hurry, Goku!! The Plan to Escape From Hell
46) Crash!! Super Goku 4 vs Super #17
47) The Big Reversal! Goku's and #18's 2-Step Attack Explosion
48) This is a Surprise! Shenlon is the Enemy?!
49) The Strongest Enemy!? The Fear of the Underhanded-Trick Using Dragon
50) Saiya Power Dies in Honorable Defeat!? Electrical Fighter Uu Shinlon
51) Ryuu Shinlon! Looking for the Big Tornado Attack's Weak Point
52) Pan, Look Out! To be Possessed by Chii-Shinlon
53) Pan Dies!? The Tears of 10x's Kamehame-ha
54) 6000 Degree Celsius Power! The Fighter of the Sun
55) Bulma Begins Working on Vegeta's Makeover Plan!
56) After the Sun, Comes the Freeze! The Fire and Ice Dragon Brothers
57) The Overwhelmingly Strong Enemy!! The Ruling Evil Dragon
58) Counterattack Returned! Super 4 is Surpassed
59) Friend? Foe?... Were-monkey Vegeta on the Rampage
60) Fu--sion!! The Ultimate Super Gogeta
61) I WILL Win!! Goku Swallows the 4 stars Dragon Ball (Suushichuu)
62) To the Rescue!! Goku's Final Assistant Appears
63) The Miracle Turnaround Victory!! Goku Pleads with the Galaxy for Help
64) Goodbye, Goku... Till the Day We Meet Again