Created on: 6/6/01
Created by: M. Nguyen

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Little Saiyalings

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Characters Bioz
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Goku is the main character of db, dbz, and dbgt. He comes from a warrior race called saiyans. He is from a distant planet called "Vegeta". When he was just a baby he was send to Earth to conquer it. After landing on Earth this old guy named "Gohan" found Goku in a space pot and Goku became Gohans adopted son. One day Goku was in a complete ravine and fell down and hit his head and he forgot his mission to conquer the earth after that Goku became a kind hearted person, and also the hero of earth. When Radditz (Gokus older brother) came he explain to Goku about his saiyan heritage and how he was a third class warrior. Despite of that Goku is a third class soldier he determination, hard training and also his love for fighting and mankind allows him to surpass everybody in power. Goku has 2 sons named Gohan and Goten, his wife's name is Chi-Chi, and his father Bardock.
Gohan is the first child of Goku and Chi-Chi. He was first trained with Piccolo, since then he has looked up to Piccolo in every possible way. Though Gohan is a very studious kid (his mom makes him study a lot) he has the potential to be the strongest warrior in the universe. Gohan is the first saiyan to go SSJ2 but after the battle with Cell he concentrates more on his studies and meets a young lady called Videl. Gohan and Videl have a child called Pan. During this time Gohan's power wears down because of his studies and taking care of his family.
Goten is the second child of Goku and Chi-Chi. Goten and Trunks are very good friends and spend most of their time together. Goten achieved very high power when he turned SSJ at the age of seven. He has a very strong resemblence with his father, Goku, and wears a mini fighting suit like his dad. Though goten looks like a nice kid he's known for throwing tantrums just to get what he wants and also for his humor throughout DBZ and DBGT.
Vegeta comes from the planet called "Vegeta". He comes from a royal bloodline that he could turn to a super-saiyan. The only thing he wants is to be the strongest warrior in the whole entire universe. The only person that stands in his way is Goku. Power and pride is the only thing he cares about and nothing else, until at the end of dbz witch he realizes that power is not the only thing in this universe. Vegeta and Bulma has two children called "Trunks", "Bra".
The son of Vegeta and Bulma. Although he is young he has tremendous power. He is one of the strongest of earth's special forces and first reached SSJ at age twelve. Usually to reach SSJ you have to do it with rage and anger, but Trunks was able to go SSJ easily and with no trouble at all. His father (Vegeta) really never gave him any encouragement, so Goku and Gohan took care of him. As Trunks grew older he was more powerful and more tougher.
Piccolo is the evil side of Kami. In the old DB episodes Kami wanted to take the space as guardian of earth, but first he had to get rid of all his evil by splitting away his evil side which became Piccolo. During the first Dragonball Series, Piccolo was Gokus number 1 enemy because he kept getting his butt kicked by Goku. But in the DBZ Series he teams up with Goku and trains his son Gohan. Piccolo even sacrifices his life in the Saiyan-Jin Saga in order to save Gohan. He later fuses again with Kami in order to be powerful enough to fight the androids.
Krillin, Goku's best friend and Gohan's companion in the Frieza Saga. Krillin and Goku knew each other from an early age. He never seems to fear his enemies and always helps in anyway possible. He is sometimes under estimated because of his height, but he truly is a great fighter. For some weird reason Akira Toriyama made a dramatic character change in Krillin during the Android Saga. Krillin takes Gohan's old role as a coward on the battle field who sticks and hides in the background. This is a very anoying change since many of Krillin's fans see him as a brave fighter who never fears a fight.  After the Cell Saga, he married Android 18.
Cell, one of the strongest enemies in DBZ. He makes his first appearance in the Androids Saga. His main ability to gain strength in his first form by absorbing people with his tail. After he absorbs Andoids 17 and 18, he finaly reaches his perfect form and becomes almost unstoppable! He gets killed by Gohan when he turns to Super Saiya-jin 2.
Frieza is one of the most powerful and evil beings in the universe. When he learns about the Dragon Balls he is crazed with the idea of finding the Dragon Balls and wishing for eternal life. Knowing about a saiyan's ability to become more powerful after injuries and battles, Frieza feared that one day a saiyan would raise up and contest his power so he decided to wipe out the entire saiyan race by destroying planet Vegeta. Frieza is extremely powerful and strikes fear into those when even his name is mentioned. Even though Frieza is defeated by goku after turning into a super-saiyan on Namek he later returns to Earth with his father King Cold to get revenge against Goku and the other Z warriors but gets killed again by Mirai Trunks.