Created on: 6/6/01
Created by: M. Nguyen

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If you know a title that is better than mine e-mail it to me. If I think your title is better than mine, I will change my site name and I will put your name on every page of this site. Thank you!!!

Welcome! As you can see, I deleted my left column link.
I have to fix it and make it better. When it's done, I will put it up.
Another thing is that I added the Little Saiyalings page. It's not totally done but I put up 20 L.S.
This is a reminder, please take the poll below.
It is very important. The poll will stop at the end of this month.
Last but not least is that on the next update is going to be a big one. I will add a lot of stuff. See you then.
Guess what? I added 66 more gifs today.
I also added Brolly image page.
As you can see, I finally have a new banner. I made it my self. It's my second time making it so it might not be that good. I will try to make more banners so you choose which one you want on my site and the one that dosen't get pick, I will give it to other dbz sites. If you want it, just e-mail me.
Please vote below! It's really important. You can pick which page you want me to add next.
In the next two days, I will add some scripts to this site like a clock, some games, and more.

I added more Trunks pix today. I'm now working on the Little Saiyalings page. I will try to put some up soon.