Welcome to my fanfiction Site

Please email me if you like the fics (feedback keeps me writing)
and to join the mailing list for site updates (which is often)

Living With The Consequences

With Mara's life hanging in the balance, Luke Skywalker must find a way to stop the New Republic from persecuting Mara for her crimes committed while serving as Emperor Palpatine's Hand. But the solution they thought would be easy leads to even more problems.... (NC-17)

Things Will Never Be The Same

While on the maiden voyage of Talon Karrde's new compact ship, a crash landing brings the past back to haunt Mara Jade and her life, along with Luke Skywalker's is changed forever (NC-17)

Their Secret

Leia struggles through a difficult time that no one seems to be
able to help her with until a certain Jedi Knight returns to base
from a mission.

Interrupted Vacation

Luke Skywalker decides to take a quick vacation with his secret girlfriend only to run into Han and Leia at the same exclusive resort.

Critical Condition

When Luke's friends all gather together after he is critically injured on a mission, secrets are exposed and friendships are strengthened.

Favor From Han

This short story was written in response to a Balance Point challenge to write about one day in the life of a pregnant Mara.

Death Of Light, Birth Of Darkness

What happens when Luke Skywalker chooses life over death and subsequently darkness over light? First chapter was written for
Jade-Skywalker challenge on the death of Luke Skywalker (NC-17)

...to be continued...

Finding Lost Love

While surviving on Myrkr when Luke escapes from Mara and Talon Karrde, Luke and Mara discover a shocking secret about each other.

To be continued...

Bye Bye Callista

Very AU in which Luke and Callista's relationship is not quite what everyone thinks it is. But then again, Luke's relationship with another woman is not exactly the way others think it is either.

To be continued...

Dark Revelations

Coming soon…..

DISCLAIMER: Anything and everything Star Wars belongs to George Lucas and I am making
no money from this. I do not intend any infringement but only wish to entertain myself
and hopefully a few others with my ranting.