Jarid of Sembia

The Tradesman
Jarid is a business man, who is trying to start a large shipping warehouse in Cormyr.
Human male 9th-level earth elementalist

Armor Class: 8 (4 w/armor)
Movement: 12
Hit Points: 49
THAC0: 17 (12 w/dagger)
No. of Attacks: 1
Alignment: Neutral good

STR 13, DEX 10, CON 16, INT 18 (13), WIS 18 (5), CHR 18 (13), COM 20 (15)

Spells (5/5/5/4/4; including bonus specialist spells): Jarid commonly memorizes useful spells, but in addition, in case a battle ensues, he always carries the spells: fist of stone & gauntlet.

Weapons of Proficiency: Kung fu (Strike 1).

Nonweapon Proficiencies: ?.

Equipment: Standard mage adventuring equipment.

Magical Items: Jarid's Lucky Platinum Coin*, ring of dragons, a wand of paralyzation (56).

Combat/Tactics: When forced to defend his business or friends, Jarid stays back initially to augment himself with the two spells metioned above. He then leaps into melee dealing crushing punches with his right hand. In this condition Jarid's hand eminates a glowing blue force field and looks like it is carved granite.

Appearance: Jarid is always in the clothing of a business man. He is also unusually concerned with the look and quality of his boots. These sets of footwear are commonly made of exotic materials, and whenever possible have gold buckles.

Personality: Jarid is a business man a heart, he doesn't wich to be a part of the war he and his fellows are a part of, but none-the-less will carry his own weight in the line of duty. He only wishes to prosper as one of Cormyr's elite business owners.

Unique Abilities:
Barterer: As a merchant mage of Sembia, Jarid can raise or lower prices by a percentage equal to half his level. With his current knowledge of the business world, he can change any transaction by �18%; if a successful wisdom check is made. This ability has greatly helped him and his friends, often giving them the necessary funds to keep well ahead of their Cult of the Dragon and Zhentarim enemies!

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