Lasiser Moonlark

Human male 3rd-level bard (gallant)

Armor Class: 7
Movement: 12
Hit Points: 18
THAC0: 19
Alignment: Neutral good
STR 12, DEX 15, CON 13, INT 13, WIS 8, CHR 15, COM 13

Spells (2): 1st-magic missile, message.

Weapons of Proficiency: Dagger, jousting lance, short sword.

Rogue Abilities: PP 45, DN 40, CW 70, RL 25; Bardic lore 15%.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Ancient languages (Thorass, 13); artistic ability (8); dancing (15); etiquette (15); local history (15); modern languages (Dwarf, 13); musical instrument (14); native languages (Common); poetry (11); reading lips (11); reading/writing (Common, 14); riding land-based (horse, 11); singing (15); tumbling (15).

Equipment: A backpack containing a bedroll, 1 week of dry rations, a small musical instrument, a small sack, 1 torch, and a wineskin. He carries a short sword and wears: a belt, high soft boots with a dagger sheath, a dagger in the boot sheath, breeches, a wool cloak with hood and pouches which contain his flint & steel, a doublet, leather armor, a pair of gloves, 5 gp, 8 sp, and 2 cp.

Magical Items: None.

Combat/Tactics: A flashy combatant, Lasiser tries various odd and outstanding maneuvers that would make the surliest fighter give way. Most off, these tremendous feats miss their mark, but when and it they succeed, it is a sure way to end the life of even the biggest and most horrible villain!

Allies/Companions: Bannolas; Klaus "Guardian"; Reilines; Sores "Electrumeyes"; Tattod Orcreaver.

Foes/Enemies: None.

Appearance: Very charmingly dressed, Lasiser often dons his gleaming suit of leather armor over his fine clothing. This armor is special because a gnome that was fascinated with metal created this leather that bears a peculiar hue of platinum! Thus Lasiser looks rather striking in his glittery leather armor, in fact from a distance it appears to be a metal breastplate.

Personality: Lasiser is a consummate romantic, spouting poetry and the like everywhere he travels. He is happy and outgoing, and forever the ladies' man. Lasiser is quite happy to be running near the edge of death to save the lives as others, as it is the right thing, and it is what he was born to do.

Current Experience (+10%): 4,999

Experience for Next Level: 5,000

Unique Abilities:

  • Essence of Purity: Because Gallants are so infused with love, beauty, and the aspirations of a romantic, they seem to hang onto life when others would allow it to slip away. Thus, Gallants gain a bonus of 1 hit point each level (in addition to any Constitution bonuses). Furthermore, if a Gallant fails a saving throw that will result in his death, the saving throw is rerolled for a second chance.
    Even when a Gallant is slain, he does not immediately drop over dead. Rather, he lingers on long enough to recite one final tragic poem for those who will listen. If the Gallant is slain in combat while defending love, innocence, or beauty (including members of the opposite sex), the Gallant hangs on and fights for another 1d4 rounds or until struck for additional damage equal to his level. Then he recites his poem and dies.
  • The Code of the Gallant: Gallants all live by a code of ethics that has slowly evolved over the years. If a Gallant is true to this code, he gains an inner confidence and peace that results in a +2 bonus that can be applied to either his attack roll, damage roll, Armor Class, or saving throw each round. During the round, the Gallant player may decide to use the +2 bonus at any time before rolling the dice that will be adjusted. Once the bonus is used in a round, it is not available again until next round. The bonus cannot be split into two +1 modifiers.
    If a Gallant breaks this code, he loses the +2 bonus until the infraction is remedied. Further, he must seek out a priest who will listen to his transgressions and cast atonement upon him (such priests will often require some form of penance).
  • The Code of the Gallant:
    The Gallant will ...
    ... defend lovers, the innocent, and those of the opposite sex and aid them in times of need (unless they are enemies or hostile).
    ... never marry nor solemnly vow to love only one person.
    ... never retreat from combat until allies of the opposite sex have done so first (unless they are fellow Gallants).
    ... never overstay his welcome at any place.
    ... spend at least half of his money on the innocent or romance.
    ... own only what he can carry with him.
  • Romantic Appeal: The romantic appeal of Lasiser is so strong that non-hostile encounter reactions are adjusted one level in a more friendly direction unless a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation is rolled with a -1 penalty per three levels of the Gallant. However, if the encounter includes mixed genders, those of the same sex as the Gallant will actually be adjusted one level in the opposite direction if they succeed on their saving throw (as jealousy rears its ugly head).
  • Poetic Charm: A Gallant who directs his attention to one person of the opposite sex can attempt to win that person's heart. This requires the Gallant to perform many subtle acts of wit and charm. Among these acts must be the recital of at least one poem concerning the person. The entire effort takes a minimum of 1d10 turns, after which the person rolls a saving throw vs. paralyzation with a -1 penalty per three levels of the Gallant. Failure means that the person is affected as if the Gallant cast a charm spell on him or her.
    The effect is not magical and doesn't wear off over time, unless the Gallant exploits or treats the person badly. Each such abuse results in another saving throw being rolled to break the Gallant's charm. The DM may apply adjustments based on the situation. For example, if a Gallant asks a princess to tell him where the king's treasure is hidden, she will gain a saving throw adjusted by the degree of loyalty she has to her father. Striking the princess (something greatly out of character for a Gallant) to gain this information is likely to result in at least a +5 bonus to break free of the Gallant's charm.
  • Squire: A Gallant is a wanderer, who never builds a stronghold, thus at 5th level he will gain a squire (a 1st-level fighter). This squire is absolutely devoted to the Gallant, maintains his equipment in top order, and accompanies him on all of his quests. If a Gallant's squire is slain, a new squire arrives as soon as the Gallant acquires two more experience levels.
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