home | The Legend of the Scope 2
The Extras | Yogey | UGH | Smelly Ferret | Porn Badger | Reverend Seagulcrap | Princess Sloth | Ted | Raj-2-D-2 | Cybore | Prof Ian Rump | Mickey Rump | Dr Ed Bob | Hands Jobo | Ron RuckMonkey
Reverend Seagulcrap
A Master of Disguise & Scripture
In 1957 Mary Seagulcrap in her third season breeding gave birth to two male gulls, one named Percy and the other 'Cock'. Cock was the more dominant brother of the two, and almost always took it upon himself to rob Percy's share of the food after his mother had been out all day on long hunting trips. In fact after three days his brother Percy died from severe weakness. However Cock was too young too understand his brothers' death until he grew up and now he cannot forgive himself.
Cock was always popular with the female gulls from his local town, Southend, and even managed to hold down a lengthy relationship for about 2 months. There were a lot of pressures on the Reverend during his teenage years, such as drugs and gambling, but even though all his seagull mates did it, he never gave in to temptation as he had been brought up well by his mother. Seagulcraps' father, Browncrap Seagulcrap was eaten by a cat. History books say show that his dad was a loser.
Seagulcrap had never ever been introduced to any kind of religion until he met the local vicar, Harold, who sold him to a sailor for 30 pence. Cock Seagulcrap then went missing for 22 years only to be found by his cousin, Terrence a traveller, preaching the gospel to fellow seagull's on a beach in Portsmouth. No one knows how the Reverend found Scopeism but it became apparent very early on in his preaching career that he had powerful talent for communicating the message of The Holy Camel. Not only seagulls but pigeons, horses, monkeys, and dogs came from all over the universe to hear the Reverend preach, as he became more well known.
The Reverend quickly became famous all over the universe and even started to have a cult following. Some of his admirers claimed that the Reverend was actually John the Baptist making his return to earth. Others went as far to say he was Norbert the highest ancient seagull God. Seagulcrap kept his feet firmly on the ground and denied any accusations that he was more than what he actually was... a seagull.
However at Wolverine's marriage to the Princess Sloth, The Reverends' true identity became apparent to the whole world, when he ran off with Princess Sloth and released information that he had kept a secret for many years. All along The Reverend had been The Emperor Austin's chief spy and the realisation of this information sent shock waves all around the world. Working closely with the Scope Rebels it became obvious that he was the one who was leaking out valuable information to aid the Emperor. The Reverend is an important figure for Austin because he has such a global influence over many species. Cock has become a master of disguise and is a very dangerous threat to the Scope forces. WE MUST STOP HIM.