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Profile of Manor House

Mission Statement

School Aims

Management Structures

The Curriculum

Transition Year

Pastoral Care

Code of Behaviour

Career's Advice

European Links



Career's Advice
Women today can expect to change jobs or careers more than once in their working lives. They need a strong educational background and good personal skills, combined with flexibility. Careers work, therefore, stresses not so much entry for a particular career, but the wide possibilities available within any given area. The Guidance Counsellors interview the Senior Students individually and on an ongoing basis before choices are made. Outside speakers are invited to address groups and frequent visits to Universities and Higher Education establishments are arranged for the 6th Year Students.

There are links with local industries and businesses and Transition Year students participate in work experience as part of their studies.

A full programme of Personal and Social Education is operated throughout the school and is taught by a team of staff supported by pastoral care teachers and subject specialists. This involves Careers Work, Economic & Social Awareness, and Religious Education. Secretarial Studies are an option and Word-Processing is an ongoing module in the Senior Cycle.

European Links
Pupils have the option of partaking in an exchange during the course of their school career. Students also have the opportunity of studying French, German and Spanish. Language learning is enhanced by the provision of 'assistants', from France, Germany and Spain. The school is involved in European Project Education, we are coordinating with Lycee Jean Monnet, in France.

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