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Episodelists & -Guides by LS

Father Knows Best


Last Update: 03 Jun 2001

| Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Appendices |

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Season 1

Production Credits

  Episode#     Original Title                 German Title
-------------  --------------                 ------------

001 [1.01-54]  Bud Takes Up The Dance
002 [1.02-54]  Lesson In Citizenship          Lauter Freiwillige
003 [1.03-54]  Motor Scooters
004 [1.04-54]  Football Tickets               Vaters großes Spiel
005 [1.05-54]  Live My Own Life
006 [1.06-54]  Grandpa Jim's Rejuvenation
007 [1.07-54]  Bud's Encounter With The Law   Buds reines Gewissen
008 [1.08-54]  Thanksgiving Day               Die preisgekrönte Dichterin
009 [1.09-54]  Second Honeymoon               Flitterwochenende
010 [1.10-54]  Typical Father
011 [1.11-54]  Margaret Goes Dancing          Weibliche Raffinesse
012 [1.12-54]  The Christmas Story
013 [1.13-54]  Sparrow At The Window          Spätzchens Spatz
014 [1.14-55]  Boy's Week
015 [1.15-55]  A Friend Of Old George's
016 [1.16-55]  Bud, The Snob                  Bud, der Snob
017 [1.17-55]  The Promised Playhouse
018 [1.18-55]  Jim, The Farmer                Vater zieht aufs Land
019 [1.19-55]  Father Of The Year
020 [1.20-55]  The Mink Coat                  Sparmaßnahmen
021 [1.21-55]  The Matchmaker
022 [1.22-55]  Bud, The Bridesmaid
023 [1.23-55]  Proud Father
024 [1.24-55]  Father Delivers The Papers     Vater, der Zeitungsjunge
025 [1.25-55]  No Partiality
026 [1.26-55]  Close Decision                 Samstägliche Pflichten

Season 2

Production Credits

  Episode#     Original Title                 German Title
-------------  --------------                 ------------

027 [2.01-55]  Art Of Salesmanship            Der Zauberlehrling
028 [2.02-55]  Father's Private Life
029 [2.03-55]  Lesson in Civics               Gute Bürger
030 [2.04-55]  First Disillusionment
031 [2.05-55]  Woman In The House
032 [2.06-55]  New Girl At School
033 [2.07-55]  Kathy Makes Magic              Kathys Zauberkasten
034 [2.08-55]  Advantage To Betty             Unverdiente Lorbeeren
035 [2.09-55]  The Big Test
036 [2.10-55]  Father Is A Dope               Vater ist der Dümmste
037 [2.11-55]  The Spirit Of Youth            Ewige Jugend
038 [2.12-55]  Bud, The Ladykiller            Der Herzensbrecher
039 [2.13-55]  Margaret's Premonition
040 [2.14-55]  Stage To Yuma
041 [2.15-55]  Bad Influence
042 [2.16-55]  Betty Hates Carter             Tochter zu verschenken
043 [2.17-56]  Jim, The Tyrant                Vater ist ein Tyrann
044 [2.18-56]  Betty's Brother                Immer in Bettys Schatten
045 [2.19-56]  Betty Earns A Formal           Betty wird flügge
046 [2.20-56]  The House Painter              Die menschliche Natur
047 [2.21-56]  Bud, The Wallflower
048 [2.22-56]  Bus To Nowhere                 Bus nach nirgendwo
049 [2.23-56]  Kathy, The Indian Giver        Ein guter Tausch
050 [2.24-56]  The Historical Andersons       Welch ein Held
051 [2.25-56]  The Grass Is Greener           Das Geheimnis des Erfolges
052 [2.26-56]  The Persistent Guest
053 [2.27-56]  Family Reunion
054 [2.28-56]  Family Dines Out               Hohe Ziele
055 [2.29-56]  Bud, The Boxer                 Kampfgeist
056 [2.30-56]  Betty, Girl Engineer           Mädchen unerwünscht
057 [2.31-56]  The Martins And The Coys
058 [2.32-56]  Dilemma For Margaret
059 [2.33-56]  Hero Father                    Vater ist der Größte
060 [2.34-56]  Father, The Naturalist         Eine schlaflose Nacht
061 [2.35-56]  The $10.000 Question
062 [2.36-56]  Adopted Daughter
063 [2.37-56]  Betty's Graduation             Der Anfang vom Ende

Season 3

Production Credits

  Episode#     Original Title                 German Title
-------------  --------------                 ------------

064 [3.01-56]  No Apron Strings               An Mutters Schürzenzipfel
065 [3.02-56]  Never The Twain
066 [3.03-56]  Betty Goes To College          Bettys freier Wille
067 [3.04-56]  Man About Town                 Zu jung für ein Rendezvous
068 [3.05-56]  The Homing Pigeon              Wie im Taubenschlag
069 [3.06-56]  Spaghetti For Margaret         Ein teurer Freund
070 [3.07-56]  Betty's Birthday
071 [3.08-56]  Bud, The Millionaire           Saus und Braus
072 [3.09-56]  The Old Days                   Altertümlichkeiten
073 [3.10-56]  Whistle Bait
074 [3.11-56]  The Great Guy                  Ein feiner Kerl
075 [3.12-56]  The Family Goes To New York    Betty in New York
076 [3.13-56]  Betty Goes Steady              In festen Händen
077 [3.14-56]  The Good Prospect              Der Goldesel
078 [3.15-56]  The Angel's Sweater            Wunder geschehen
079 [3.16-56]  The Promising Young Man        Der Junge ist Gold wert
080 [3.17-57]  Margaret Hires A Gardener
081 [3.18-57]  Swiss Family Anderson
082 [3.19-57]  Brief Holiday                  Tapetenwechsel
083 [3.20-57]  The Lawn Party
084 [3.21-57]  Short Wave
085 [3.22-57]  Carnival                       Bud versucht sein Glück
086 [3.23-57]  Betty And The Jet Pilot        Sturzflug ins Herz
087 [3.24-57]  A Trip To Hillsborough         Der Ruf der weiten Welt
088 [3.25-57]  An Evening To Remember         Besuch aus Hollywood
089 [3.26-57]  Bud Buys A Car                 Der große Autotag
090 [3.27-57]  Safety First
091 [3.28-57]  Bud, The Hero                  Zutaten für einen Helden
092 [3.29-57]  Betty, The Track Star          Königin Betty
093 [3.30-57]  The Spelling Bee               Wie schreibt man Glück?
094 [3.31-57]  Bud, The Philanthropist
095 [3.32-57]  Baby In The House
096 [3.33-57]  Class Prophecy                 Siebenmeilenstiefel
097 [3.34-57]  The Art Of Romance
098 [3.35-57]  Margaret Disowns Her Family    Immer Ärger mit den Kindern
099 [3.36-57]  Grandpa Retires                Wundermedizin für Großvater
100 [3.37-57]  Shoot For The Moon

Season 4

Production Credits

  Episode#     Original Title                 German Title
-------------  --------------                 ------------

101 [4.01-57]  Follow The Leader              Feuerzauber
102 [4.02-57]  The Awkward Hero               Ein weiches Herz
103 [4.03-57]  The Good Neighbor              Rosenpfluecken verboten
104 [4.04-57]  Bud, The Executive             Bud als Big Boss
105 [4.05-57]  Sentenced To Happiness         Zum Glueck verurteilt
106 [4.06-57]  Mother Goes To School
107 [4.07-57]  The Indispensable Man          Der Wunderspieler
108 [4.08-57]  Kathy's Big Chance             Die schoene Spionin
109 [4.09-57]  Margaret Learns To Drive       Frau am Steuer
110 [4.10-57]  The Way Of The Dictator
111 [4.11-57]  Mister Beal Meets His Match
112 [4.12-57]  Kathy Makes A Wish            ?Der Teufelspakt
113 [4.13-58]  Man With A Plan                Scheiden tut weh
114 [4.14-58]  Big Sister                     Boese, beste Schwester
115 [4.15-58]  Calypso Bud                    Bud der Bongospieler
116 [4.16-58]  Father's Biography
117 [4.17-58]  The Rivals                    ?Der Schluessel zum Himmel
118 [4.18-58]  Bud, The Mind Reader           Bud als Hellseher
119 [4.19-58]  Margaret's Other Family        Mutter ist ein Juwel
120 [4.20-58]  The Trial                      Familienprozess
121 [4.21-58]  Revenge Is Sweet
122 [4.22-58]  Country Cousin                 Die Landpomeranze
123 [4.23-58]  Poor Old Dad                   Unter dem Pantoffel
124 [4.24-58]  Betty's Crusade                Viel Glueck, Hanno!
125 [4.25-58]  Young Love                     Junge Liebe
126 [4.26-58]  Tell It To Mom
127 [4.27-58]  A Friend In Need
128 [4.28-58]  Medal For Margaret             Eine Medaille fuer Mutter
129 [4.29-58]  The Weaker Sex                 Maennerjagd
130 [4.30-58]  Jim, The Answer Man
131 [4.31-58]  Bud Quits School              ?Auf grossem Fusse
132 [4.32-58]  A Matter Of Pride              Fuer einen guten Zweck
133 [4.33-58]  Betty Finds A Cause           ?Wenn die Glocken laeuten

Season 5

Production Credits

  Episode#     Original Title                 German Title
-------------  --------------                 ------------

134 [5.01-58]  Vine Covered Cottage
135 [5.02-58]  Be Kind To Bud Week            Bruderherz und Schwesterherz
136 [5.03-58]  Kathy's Romance                Kathys grosse Liebe
137 [5.04-58]  A Voice From The Past          Im Weltraumzeitalter
138 [5.05-58]  Frank's Family Tree            Gaertner mit Stammbaum
139 [5.06-58]  Always Plan Ahead
140 [5.07-58]  Second Wedding                 Ganz in Weiss
141 [5.08-58]  Bud, The Caretaker
142 [5.09-58]  Betty, The Pioneer Woman       Die moderne Pionierin
143 [5.10-58]  Fair Exchange
144 [5.11-58]  Bud, The Snob
145 [5.12-58]  Margaret Wins A Car
146 [5.13-58]  The Great Experiment
147 [5.14-58]  The Christmas Story           ?Griff nach den Sternen
148 [5.15-58]  The Basketball Coach           Der neue Trainer
149 [5.16-58]  Kathy, Girl Executive
150 [5.17-59]  The Good Samaritan
151 [5.18-59]  The Ideal Father
152 [5.19-59]  Big Shot Bud                   Harte Arbeit fuer wenig Geld
153 [5.20-59]  Hard Luck Leo                  Onkel Pechvogel
154 [5.21-59]  Bud, The Campus Romeo          Der Tiger und das Mauerbluemchen
155 [5.22-59]  Crisis Over A Kiss             Zarte Bande
156 [5.23-59]  Kathy Grows Up                 Unsere grosse Kathy
157 [5.24-59]  A Man Of Merit                 Vaters Verdienste
158 [5.25-59]  Betty Makes A Choice
159 [5.26-59]  It's A Small World            ?Talentsuche
160 [5.27-59]  Two Loves Has Bud              Mitten ins Herz
161 [5.28-59]  An Extraordinary Woman        ?Abenteuerlust
162 [5.29-59]  The Art Of Romance
163 [5.30-59]  Formula For Happiness          Die Gluecksformel
164 [5.31-59]  Bud And The Debutante          Physik im Alltag
165 [5.32-59]  The Promised Playhouse         Bud bricht mit der Tradition
166 [5.33-59]  The Meanest Professor          Eine schreckliche Familie
167 [5.34-59]  Live My Own Life
168 [5.35-59]  Bud Has A Problem
169 [5.36-59]  The Great Anderson Mystery     Ein Mann aus dem Volke
170 [5.37-59]  Margaret Goes Dancing
171 [5.38-59]  The Gold Turnip                Gute Beziehungen

Season 6

Production Credits

  Episode#     Original Title                 German Title
-------------  --------------                 ------------

172 [6.01-59]  A Day In The Country           Ein alter Verehrer
173 [6.02-59]  Bud Branches Out               Maedchen sein ist aber schwer
174 [6.03-59]  Gardener's Big Pay
175 [6.04-59]  The Imposter                   Mutters grosser Schwindel
176 [6.05-59]  Bud Plays It Safe
177 [6.06-59]  Bicycle Trip For Two
178 [6.07-59]  First Disillusionment         ?Ueber Nacht ein Star
179 [6.08-59]  Margaret's Old Flame
180 [6.09-59]  Kathy Becomes A Girl
181 [6.10-59]  Bud, The Willing Worker
182 [6.11-59]  Turn The Other Cheek
183 [6.12-59]  Good Joke On Mom
184 [6.13-60]  Betty's Double
185 [6.14-60]  Father, The Naturalist
186 [6.15-60]  Bud Hides Behind A Skirt
187 [6.16-60]  Togetherness
188 [6.17-60]  Second Best                    Einmal Nummer Eins sein
189 [6.18-60]  Kathy's Big Deception          Liebeskummer
190 [6.19-60]  Cupid Knows Best               Amor in Noeten
191 [6.20-60]  The Big Test
192 [6.21-60]  Jim's Big Surprise
193 [6.22-60]  Time To Retire
194 [6.23-60]  Bud, The Speculator
195 [6.24-60]  The $500 Letter
196 [6.25-60]  Adopted Daughter
197 [6.26-60]  Family Contest
198 [6.27-60]  Love and Learn
199 [6.28-60]  Blind Date
200 [6.29-60]  Betty's Career Problem
201 [6.30-60]  Bud Lives It Up               ?Das grosse Finale
202 [6.31-60]  Not His Type                   Neue Liebe gesucht
203 [6.32-60]  Betty's Graduation


Titlelisting and Airdates
Trivia n' other Stuff

This 'Father Knows Best'-episodeguide is Copyright © 1998-2001 by Stephan Lerchegger. All Rights Reserved.

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