Dragon Knights News

Dragon Knights of Dawn
Last Updated: June 1, 2001

(06-02-01) There are a few things added such as pic's of what the  Stuctures  should look like  and some character bios , and new members were added as well. Other than  that not much going on till beta gets started.


(05-12-01) There are a few things added such as a pic of what the DRAGON will look like and some character bios , and new members were added as well. Other than  that not much going on till beta gets started.


(05-02-01)  Hail all, sorry I hadn't been keeping up on the update but I have been really busy for the last 3 weeks. Now that I have some time I can update this site, since there isn't much news in the realms I can't really report anything other than a few members were add, a new religion will grow with us. well that about all I have to update


(04-07-01) Today I we have a new member theat has joined our Allegiance. He goes by the name of  Nun Sh. He is an experienced architect, explorer and mapmaker, which will be very adventasious to the Dragon Knights of Dawn. He has been asked to take the seat for the Foreign Affairs Minister and we await his answer within the week I expect. So check out the members page and keep recruiting all the people you can.

(04-04-01) I would like to welcome Enabu ibn Canezar to our allegiance. He is the first priest to become part of the allegiance. We might even have an allegiance with another group as well. You opinion about an allegiance is needed for us to determine the out come of this topic. Click here


(04-02-01)  Finished the portrait pages today, they van be viewed here. Other than that, there's not much else to tell you...Oh yeah almost forgot I added a new link called "Dawn of Ideas". It's an interesting site, so check it out on my links page.


(04-01-01) Just a quick not today, I added a House of Worship for you players that like to be cleric and such, if you would like to be apart of it then click here to join our growing allegiance. There's no guide line to follow except to keep the clergy running and maintained.

(03-29-01) the FAQ: Dragon Knights has been posted today. If there is a question or concern about the Dragon Knights then e-mail me at Dawn Realms and I'll add you questions to the FAQ with an answer for you to read about.


(03-24-01) A new members page has been added, I hope to get more of the players to join us. Although I don't have much on the web site about the Dragon Knights I plan on building that as we go. Oh yeah if you join and don't have a portrait fir you character then click here to look at some of the ones I have.  


(03-23-01) Hail Fellow Knights, I began to add more stuff to this web site I just keep think of thing to add and now I have too much to do =P. Any how this is just a quick note on what's going on. In a couple of days I hope to have this info posted and I hope that no more info is found and that I stop thinking of what to add to this web site. Farewell my friends                   

(03-20-01) well today I started an allegiance hoping that a few good people will join us and work to together towards a common goal. My personal goal is to aquire as much knowledge as possible, create a strong economy, to support the population of the Kingdom I plan to build with the help of others. Unfortunately there will others out to destroy my dreams and goals, as well as your own. There might even be a plot in the works to kill me or even YOU. Who knows what lies ahead of us, it could be fame and fortune, or what all you dread the most......DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!
