Dawn Realms

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Last Updated: June  6, 2001

     Welcome to Dawn Realms, this will be the place to find information, pictures, screen shots, news and anything else you can think of about Dawn. I hope to bring you all the information about this realm as possible. Also when you need information about the game that I might not have on this site, just e-mail me and let me know what you are looking for and I'll get the information for you. There will be a forum that you can post you messages if it will be easier for you to gain information, perhaps by other players.

About Dawn
     Contrary to what you may have been led to believe Dawn is not intended to be the dawn of time rather the dawn of civilization. Intelligent species are beginning to emerge, gathering natural resources, building weapons and houses, cultivating the land, and fighting for power. But do not be fooled, there is more to fight than each other. Another very volatile specie was once the uncontested ruler of the land and does not intend to see its world overrun by a hoard of underlings.
     If you have not heard of  it, I am not sure where you have been hiding. Dawn is going to be more addicting and realistic than any other MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) that anyone has  yet to experience.   Instead of trying to compare or contrast issues between games, it was decided that the focus should be on you, the gamer, and developers as to what had to been said about Dawn. The only comparison worth mentioning is Jeff's thoughts on competition.

"Those who want to embark in a meaningful adventure where every stat, every move, every ally and every enemy can be the difference between life and death (real death) will play Dawn. The people who are just 'playing for fun' and have the 'it's just a game' mentality will choose to play the other games. We'll accumulate a population of true role players making the game more enjoyable for everyone who plays. There are lots of glorified EQ's on their way to the market, but there is only one Dawn."
 -Jeff Friedman, Lead Game

     All around me is a fuzzy, confusing cloud; however, scents and my awareness feel innate. The sounds and emotions seem real, but confusion settles -- overwhelming me. A mystical voice fills the air; and I flinch.
Suddenly I feel something wet and warm against my lips. Overcome by the aroma I greedily imbibe the frothy liquid.
      "There you are Danciy, this will help make you strong. You have lots to learn and a huge endeavor to conquer, my child." With this I tried to focus on my surroundings. A luster of brightness hung high above me, and beneath was the lush green tendrils of grass, which felt cozy and soft. My eyes blinded to the light and immediately I withdrew my gaze.
Rubbing my mouth with the back of my hand, I stared up at the Lady and felt an overwhelming closeness to her. She smiled gently at me.
From someplace behind me a low and bellowing voice rang out. "Are you two okay?" The lady quickly responded in a pleasant voice, "We are just beyond the briars dear." Within a few moments two voices began to Pray as if in a trance. "Goddess of Creation heed my vows. I grant to you my child, to strengthen and nurture. I pray that she is loyal, courageous, and as bold as the bind that created her. Teach her the tongues of my liking and allow her the wisdom of good and evil. Guide her through this barren land with devotion and pride." I closed my eyes and began seeing vivid images of huge bodies of water, endless ranges of mountaintops, and abundance's of wonder glistening in the sky. The praying sounded like a low mummer to me now. My heart was pounding and I felt as if my consciousness was racing out of control. Sounds, visions, emotions, history all came flooding into my awareness. I was a human, age of 15, with distinct characteristics. My job was to embark upon these lands and build a Kingdom. A kingdom to serve my Serpent Goddess.
     Comprehension rang true as my parents prepared me for departure. With my backpack and some niceties: Food, water, and a horse for travel, the barren world spanned out around me. With glimpses of people here and there beginning to gather supplies, I searched for a direction I wished to explore. As I become more aware of my life, I understand that I have awoken to the Dawn of a new existence.
-unknown author
     Well this is how he/she think 's they shall be born into the World of Dawn. The world will be a seamless sphere and take, at the very least, 72 hours to circumnavigate. Recognizing the fact you likely could not travel the distance alone anyhow.

    Glitchless appreciates the importance of good communication and will therefore utilize several ways of contact. All players will be able to use a universal communication. There will be a small delay with this system. However, built-in skill based methods (psionics) will have no delay when sending messages.

              I think we have covered most of what is most pertinent. There are many other aspects concerning the game which you can read about at Dawn's web site. Dawn is expected to release early 2002 and Glitchless plans to begin its beta testing Spring 2001. I can assure you that on my Christmas list for 2001 will be the wish for a new "Dawn."
In conclusion, with every concern publicized by critics or those who doubt Dawn, the players that have been truly following Dawn since the earliest stages have, in my opinion, given much detailed thought to almost any scenario that might occur. They have hashed and bashed subjects and each other until what needed to make sense made sense. And when those things did not make sense, Glitchless helps fill in the gap.

             Hence, an appropriately eloquent ending for Dawn's preview...
"[In Dawn] you will be part of an immense world filled with both friend and foe, all cooperating and competing to stay alive and advance themselves physically, mentally, and socially. Some will become rulers, some will take trades, and others will be adventurers and conquerors. Once the game begins it will never end, once you log on you will never want to log off. After all, 'reality' is merely what you perceive through your 5 senses, without them all you have is the ability to think. Dawn will flood two of those senses with such unbelievable sensation and genuine emotion that you may very well forget the other three, and believe me, you'll be thinking. So bid your friends and family farewell and start up the I.V., your destiny awaits you."