Dawn Realms


Game Information


Character Info

Character Skills


Dawn Societies

Player Skills 
More info will be posted once I find out about these skills


To help you navagate through dawns numerous skill options we have included this section. Each skill is described in detail, its advantages and disadvantages are outlines. We need people willing to do studies on skills. If you are interested in studying a certain skill please email  Dawn Realms

Architect: Design and start buildings
Building: Used for the actual grunt work of building a house.
Engineering: Used to create things like drawbridge mechanisms , a siege engines. Invention: Lets you come up with the formula/plans to create new things.
Mining: Used to extract ore. The ore will be visible and you click on it to mine it.
Digging: Used to dig hole, moats, trenches, and to dig down to where ore can be found.
Archery: Used when firing a bow or crossbow.
Blunt: Used to fight with weapons like a mace or a club
Pierce: Used to fight with weapons like a spear or a dagger
Slash: Used to fight with weapons like a sword or an axe
Anarchation: .........................................................(magic skill) Elemental manipulation
Conjuration:...............................................(Magic skill) Creature summoning
Alteration: .............................................................(Magic skill) Effects magic
Abjuration: ............................................................(Magic skill) Defensive magic
Sanation: ...............................................................(Magic skill) Healing and Life
Necromancy: .........................................................( magic skill) Drains and Life Transfer
Throwing: ..............................................................Used when you throw ANY object.
Taxidermy:................................................ Used to preserve once living things.
Enchantment: ......................................................Used to give items magic ability/spell