FAQ: Dragon Knights
FAQ about the Dragon Knight of Dawn

1) What is Dragon Knights of Dawn?
      Dragon Knights of Dawn is an allegiance made up of members who share a common goal. That goal is to protect the innocent, uphold the laws in our fine city, and to defend the city from people who wish to destroy lives. We don't expect you to go out and find trouble, but to let it find you. The reason for this is quite simple: If you go out looking for people  (like PK's), is quite possible to get yourself killed or maybe you won't get killed but others could get killed for your actions.

2)How do I become a knight?
       Well to become a knight all you have to do is join here. Send your characters name, race, a bio of your character, and tell my why you want to be a Dragon Knight.

3) Are there actual dragons in Dawn that we can use as our steeds?
As far as I can gather from the vast information that I have gathered, it is still unclear about this, but I think there will be dragons to ride.

4) What is the overall alignment of  the Dragon Knights of Dawn?
      I like to think of us as a good alignment, but as an overall I'd say that we are more chaotic good.

5) What happens if I kill someone like a peasant?
      More or less it all depends on the situation. If you kill innocent people (which is not tolerated) then I think the right full thing to do would be either banish you from the realm of execute you

6) What are the ranks in Dragon Knights of Dawn?
      Join Dragon Knights of Dawn and find out =P

7) How do you deal with criminals?
     Well our plan is to construct a jail with guards to house and hold criminals. Keep in mind that we are not out to kill or incarcerate everyone who looks at you funny.