About the Allegiance
About The Allegiance
The Dragon Knights want to strive to be the best at what we do. Our goal is to become one of the Powers on Dawn, although that's what everyone want. We tend to build a large city called Annwalker, which will be positioned on coastal lands the the god have been kind to give us. We will protect the innocent, uphold our own laws that we have, build a strong economy for the community the we support. We also intend to have friendly relations with other nations of the world, we would like to develop trade routes to the nations of the world and of course keep the peace between us.
        Another goal of ours is to become powerful enough to befriend Dragons so that they would help out our cause more efficiently and with speed. The tough part about trying to befriend a dragon is that they are not dumb creatures, on the contrary, these creatures are above our intellect as well as our physical prowess. Dragons are very keen as we will have to show them that they can trust us with their lives. So in short we have one hell of an up hill battle.