Dawn Realms


Game Information


Character Info

Character Races


Dawn Societies

Character Races

Once I find more pic's/concept art for the rest of the races, I will post like the first four of the races. Submit here if you seen anylike the art below



 Solons are a wizardly race. Slender mature and wise, they bear a Merlin-esque appearance with perhaps a beard and are almost always hiding under a hooded cloak. They like to spend much of their time in solitude and their dwelling places are very simple and plain. Their power lies in their offensive damage magic and are the most intelligent race by far.

 Trolls are generally considered evil simply because of their appearance but tend to have a strong inclination to stay honorable among their own kind. You won't often find a troll giving his word, but when he does he won't be going back on it. They have little trust in other beings and consider their race superior. Their power lies in their strength and agility which makes them good fighters. Their magic's strength is very limited, but this is offset by their amazing resilience.

Dwarves are little hearty guys (and gals) who drink too much and are generally bitter. They like to dwell in mountainsides and caves and have an affinity for mining. Their power lies in their strength and dexterity and make good fighters. They also are above average in healing magic.
(Plural Galatai)
Galatai are a Viking type people.They are strong, tall, and sea faring with lots of patchy hair on their face. They don't go looking for trouble unless drunk and are excessively loyal with a strong sense of honor. Galatai have been known to travel across the world in order to avenge the wrongful death of a brother. Their power lies in their ability to both fight and use defensive magic; they make good hybrids but focus in fighting due to their unconquerable ferocity.

     Humans are very average, but their appearances could vary greatly depending on what skills they decide to focus on and their civilization. Although generally honorable, there are always exceptions such as a few back-stabbing rogues. Their power lies in their ability to become good at whatever they choose, they are by far the most flexible race.

     Ogres are the biggest, chubbiest, and the strongest race. They are also quite unintelligent and basically have two moods: Puzzled and pissed. They have big round muscles and pale skin generally scarred from combat. Their power lies in their strength and durability which makes them good fighters - the hardest hitters by far. Ogres happen to have somewhat decent magic resistance despite their inability to cast much themselves.
     The Sylvain are an Elvin race with, as their name would imply, an affinity for the forest. Often found in large intricate family structures amidst the treetops, they live in accord with all that is natural and are rewarded with earthen abilities that other races don't even understand. Their strength lies in their agility, dexterity, and intelligence and make good hybrids.
     Much like their tree-hugging brethren, Drows are agile and intelligent and have innate abilities not understood by other races. Forced to live underground by the overpowering Sylvain race, they are now beginning to emerge with powers attained somehow during their subterranean confinement. It's rumored that they have sought the help of evil spirits to end their imprisonment and begin an era of terror, destruction, and above all retribution.
     Thought to be descendants of an evil clan of Elves that abandoned their vows toward preserving the sanctity of nature, Goblins are small greenish beings with long pointy ears. They live in caves often in solitude and have little or no respect for nature. If a large group of Goblins ever did become organized they might wreak havoc on neighboring lands, but this is unlikely because they aren't exceedingly cooperative. Their strength lies in their quickness and intelligence and make good hybrids with the ability to do some decent damage with spells.
     Mesmers are a very mysterious race. They are powerful magic users, but unlike Solons their magic is of a different nature. Mesmers keep to themselves but consider all other races inferior; a Mesmer will side with another Mesmer in almost any circumstance. Their power lies in their mental resilience and effects magic, they don't necessarily need to blast something with a fireball in order to kill it.

     Believed to be the ancient brethren of Dwarves, Gnomes show similar characteristics but with a greater affinity for magic. Gnomes are found mainly in mountainsides but have been known to construct mighty castles for show. They share in the Dwarven love for mining but also have a knack for invention. Being the hardiest of casters, a Gnome's power lies in his ability to take abuse yet still cast powerful magical.
Balace (plural Balacee)
     Virtually indistinguishable from Dwarves, legend has it that the Balacee are unwanted Dwarven offspring beaten and banished because of a marking on their body which is believed to be an evil omen. They're strengths and weaknesses are completely unknown.