The Antis War Continued

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According to the captain's log of Erin Faeruna, Antis was emaciated, unshaven and dressed in dirty rags. Whenever someone attempted to speak to him, he would only smile and nod. Just before they reached shore he pointed at a medallion on the captain's chest and asked is a soft voice if he could play with it.

He was placed in the care of druids at the reservation, where he was declared mentally incompetent. According to medical records Antis' mind had regressed to that of an eight-year-old boy, if not younger. They also noted that strange things had happened since his arrival, including the appearance of five strange creatures, grass growing in Antis' room, and a sudden rainstorm in the middle of the day. They believed that Antis was somehow causing all of this.

The druids approached the current Balor (See Chapter 28: The rise of the Balor family, and the Balor system), who ordered that Antis be presented to him, so that he could take care of the young man personally. It is that point that most historians believe that Balor developed his plan, and began manipulating the child-like Antis.

Within a year Balor began a campaign to gather the various reservations together to declare their independence. With Antis' unwitting help, Balor developed an army gifted with armor, weapons, and more than enough resources to keep the amassed army supplied for years. Antis was even able to open portals directly to all nine of the reservations, and keep the entire process a secret. Three years after Antis discovered his strange power, the Fir Bolg Army, under the military guidance of Balor and armed with the magic and creations of Antis, declared war against the Dannan nation.

Without warning the Fir Bolg attacked and captured approximately 20 miles of land around reservation #5. Before the Dannan army could be properly deployed about 14-percent of Tirdannan had been taken over by Bolg forces.

Due to the proximity of the Exodus, it is difficult to tell how badly the war was going during the first two years. It is believed by many historians that the Dannan lost over 50-percent of their land.  It is at this point that many historians suggest that had Balor stopped expanding, he would have been victorious. Instead, the growing threat he posed worried several neighboring nations, who allied with the Dannan.

Confrontation with a Mad God...

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Updated August 16 2002
By Moderator/Group Owner Senidel -
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