The Antis War Conclusion

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It was during this time that the Amergin writes that the Druid council was ordered by the Wardens of Light to explain what they knew of Antis to the various mystic organizations and to develop a way to defeat him. As a multi-national army attempted to push the Fir Bolg army back from multiple fronts, druids, wizards, shamans, sorcerers, witches, warlocks, magicians and even necromancers and healers, under the observation of the Wardens, united in an unprecedented alliance to stop Antis.

The Magus Alliance, as it was referred to at the time, focused on a number of efforts to weaken Antis. It made several unsuccessful attempts against Antis' life. However, each encounter allowed them to learn more about the nature of his abilities. After a year of failure, the alliance finally developed a weapon capable of draining the power itself from him. Only a few details remain about the weapons. They were small crimson crystals, designed to drain the magic out of the target.

Historians and magic wielders have debated the mechanics of this system. The most popular theory is that the user channeled energy into the stone. This may have caused a reaction whereby the stone would create a metaphysical vacuum, drawing magic from the target, both stored magical energy and that gathered around him, and releasing it away from the target. Most scholars look at this explanation, attempt to make sense of it, and fail. So too, do most historians.

The details of what happened the day of the attack have been lost, but the few accounts that remain indicate that at lease one Warden may have teleported dozens of magic-wielders directly into the Fir Bolg Camp, where they surrounded Antis' tent. One-third of the spell casters erected barriers and handled defense while the other two-thirds began draining Antis. Meanwhile, the Allied forces moved against the main battlefront. Amergin wrote in a later account that it was terrifying.

Everything around us was suddenly bathed in a crimson glow. A chilling wind swept past us, through us... reminded me of what it felt like to touch the stones. When you touch one, you feel dizzy... if it's already draining you, the tent and all of the surrounding matter blew away as T'Lantico writhed and screamed, floating several feet above the ground. It was as if the wind was coming from his body. He began to sob, like a child, crying out for his mother. I looked away from him as my light-headedness became worse. I looked up to see his body glow briefly before it crumpled apart into dustÔ we were too drained to move, and would have died were we no teleported out of there immediatel... but the scream... his agonized scream still haunts me to this day.

With the death of Antis, Balor lost his most powerful weapon. Within a month the Fir Bolg revolution was over. The Dannan executed Balor and prepared to institute draconian measures to break the Fir Bolg, while the rest of the world breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that a mad god had been stopped. Unfortunately, this was only the beginning...

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Updated August 16 2002
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