System Specification and Design:
PROFESSOR: --- Prof. Dr. H. Faber
  Modern computer-aided design methodology for specification and design of electrical and electronic systems.  
PURPOSE - The aim of the module is to introduce a general system design methodology. To provide a platform for all the themes in the course
INDICATIVE CONTENT- Overview of the design of systems
Definition of system requirements: Customer requirements, feasibility studies, market surveys, cost-benefit analysis system constraints, system complexity, system scope, techniques and tools for support, time plan estimates, the system specification document.
Detail design: Detail design requirements, detail design activities, design technology. Evaluation and , performance measures, scheduling, life-cycle costing, technical specification.
System development: System development, integration, test and evaluation, maintenance. System configuration, management and control. Design studies: The design studies in this module will provide the student with the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts to the design to practical systems.