The Coolest Diablo 2 Website


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Aaaah, your curiosity will be the death of you!

Sep 01 1998 Information added part 2 :)

new.gif (634 bytes) I am still adding the new information that was on the sneak peak Diablo II - A class by itself by into all pages. More have been added.

I have also added some information regarding chatrooms, please read.

Aug 30 1998 Information added

I've added new information to these areas: Gamestory, Characters, Monsters, Screen shots, spells, and weapons. (Basically all of them.)

But I got very tired half way entering information, so its not all finished. I will come back in the next day.

8-) now I got take some sleep! zzzzz

BRB in later today!

Aug 29 1998 ECTS

Shoot! Just don't have enough time and energy to work on my sites. I might need a partner! If you are interested you can drop a note.

Anyhow, Game developement is under Act II! The designers and programmer at Blizzard has appearantly finished the first act, as well as Amazon character. has a Featured story on the progress, PLUS new screenshoots, new characters pictures and information, some not finished yet, coming soon! They have uncovered a lot of new information, want to check it out? I will add them on this site soon.

June 15 1998 Offical Website

Blizzard's official diablo 2 website has been updated and improved a great deal! They now also offers a game information page, pictures and music clips!!! Be Sure to check it out today! I will soon make those music clips available for you to listen to :)

Blizzard has just released the Second Diablo 2 trailer, to Gamespot. This maybe the intro movie to the game. Who knows? It's a great movie so please Check it out!

An European Diablo demo came out right after E3. It is pretty cool. It shows actual gameplay of Diablo 2. The Amazon fight monsters, pick up weapons, gold, and you WILL be amazed at the graphics!!!

June 2 1998 Diablo 2 Up & Close

Well, E3 is OVER! First, let me apologize for slow updating, but believe me I was too busy. Now I've gathered a bunch of information that have all the information you need to know about Diablo 2!

During E3. Blizzard handed out some promo sheets looks like the front and back of the box...frontsm.jpg (4989 bytes)backsm.jpg (7133 bytes)They look impressive, don't they? But the front picture should have added an image of Diablo himself. However, this is just a guess (it is the box). No one knows for sure yet.

Undoubtedly, E3 is the biggest source of information yet. Approximately 30 new screenshots, all five characters were released in these three days of E3. I have new information available so click on the links to see them in details!

Also, has some cool detailed information on Diablo 2 because they are lucky to have someone attended E3 by the name of Jay Kissell. Well, this information is a BIG one. I have it here for you to read! The information are going to be extracted later tomorrow in details on pages Quests, and towns.

Copyrighted by

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New NPCs, and towns effects will be a part of towns page, and remember this is a page that didn't have to be included in Diablo I. (not really) What is gamestory page? It is the story that goes along with Diablo 2 plus some well described overall game performance, information. That's all.

In final thoughts, let us hope that Blizzard keeps release information (about D2) like this to the public in the next months.

May 28 1998 Diablo 2 at E3

"Diablo 2 is 30% complete, the game already looks terrific...The opening cinematic is a work of art...The replacement for the Rogue I played with had several tricks in her arsenal, including fire and cold arrows and something labeled "poison trail"...characters now have different death animations based on which direction they're facing"

Don't you love what they said about D2??? It is citated from an article from OGR. And there is a booth photo. I have nothing to say right now besides full satisfactory!

Tomorrow, Friday or Saturday, Sunday. I will update you more on Diablo 2's E3 coverage, and add some new character information then in June I will  put up at least two new pages. And get ready to Channel my website, you MSIE users!!! As Diablo 2 gets closer, I will design the pages for frequently!

May 27 1998 Entertainment Electronics Expo - E3

The year's best computer games show has begun! It should bring us some incredible news about Diablo 2! Diablo 2 news has been pretty calm since April. Other sites are just doing their own site remodeling & some has expanded well, such as they now have a site for incredible artworks done by talented artists.

Again, E3 is here! is the best E3 information site I've found. They also have a  Blizzard page that might/or not contain specific Diablo 2 news. I WILL watch this event closely, and report you any breaking news immediately!!!

May 4 1998

Since Mar 27, I never updated this site. Sorry. I just got too much assignments to do. (for school). Although there is one new story, inner sanctum involving two new screenshots came from Gamespot . It is quiet lengthy but not extremely detailed about the game itself. But it really has plenty of information on how hard these designer are working on it. I was of course, glad even their doors are tightly shut. We should all thank their efforts to make D2 much better.

Also there is a huge legal battle on Diablo's manufacturer, maker Blizzard Ent. It is a terrible lawsuit. Blizzard was, I think accused of uploading information from computer when play online using battlenet, without the knowledge or permission of the consumer. Full Story Right Here. Don't know if that will delay the release date for Diablo II.

March 27 1998

Sorry, had some HTML problem....Diablo 2 news have been very very quiet these days, but as a full time student I really do not mind that. You know what I mean. :) But I won't let you down for not find any news too long. It's coming!!! Like I said, I have been concentrating on my fan interaction more. I come up with 2-3 pages on that type. The clans info page, chat info page, and survey (not online yet) And the Wishlist page has been improved it's working now with CGI !!! Automatically, and Instant !!! Thank You for your visit.

March 09 1998 - Breaking News

     Well, Not a news from today but certainly kept me busy while trying to finishing up my site for today. This is a brief news I am going over an article on 6th of March, from Gamespot. And they told everyone about the new characters, new screenshots, and new monsters. And this story, please read it. I need a nap!

Mar 09 1998 - Opening Day

    Well, I have been working hard on this site everyone. But it is worse it, Diablo is one of the best selling computer games in history. And, it sure deserves huge attention from fans, I for one, like many on the web today knows how to design websites. Also I believe not only I can design a website, I can also make my website rock. Now you tell me if I am good artist or not. Later, I will have a user feedback form for you to answer.

    I am just as excited as you are about the upcoming Diablo 2, this site should be the source of your information, but beware it's going to become even scarier as time goes by. Sounds and huge animations that I am trying hard to reduce size to below 30K. There was one time a website called gifwizard that had does GIF compression for non-profit users. Now that service is gone and people like me are out of luck!

    Please don't ask me ANY question about Hellfire, sierra's add-on to Diablo. The reason is that I am not completely satisfied with it.  I don't know about you, but I felt it can be done better. Tell you the truth, I like it but hate it for not interest me at the level that I was looking for. My use of hellfire pictures in the beginning page is just my right of freedom.

    My biggest source about Diablo II was from Computer Gaming World's February issue, with 7 pages exclusive on Diablo II. My other source of information range from many Diablo links, Gamespot (direct link to a diablo story) and various magazines.  There were many interesting information from CGW's story. I have detailed information on my other pages. They are as follows...

  • None of the heroes from the original returns.
  • Diablo is FREE
  • There are now four towns to explore, and what the quests are, and interactivity within town.
  • Mar 5 1998 - Preview

    My site is far from done, but until Mar 9 I will have plenty time to design 7 pages. This is a site preview so it is not finished yet. Please be patient Thanks! Please come back on the opening day!