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Magic is the coolest thing used in a RPG game, and diablo I used it well. A lot of great spells in Diablo I that I still admire.

Diablo 2 is promising much better spells, and we shall wait, please send your wish to my wishlist page.

Specialization! - (quoted from the gamecenter sneak peak)

"What you specialize in is completely up to you; however, you'll want to be logical about it. In other words, specializing in advanced javelin skills might not be wise if you don't have a javelin in your possession. Also of note, skills must be "readied" during battle. For instance, you may want to add Zeal and Smite, for example, to your active spell inventory and map one to each of your mouse buttons; this way, you can quickly activate Zeal and do more damage from long range."



Summon Familiar

Creates a winged creature who fights for your character an scouts unexplored areas

Raise Dead

which resurrects your fallen foes to fight at your side


which allows you to take control of an enemy

Vampiric Touch

Power to take a monster's life, while adding to his own

Holy Aura will create a sort of shield, which will protect him against and repel undead creatures
Shield Bash Skill that allows the Paladin to use his shield as a weapon
True Blade Give attack bonuses to weapons
Arm of God Makes the Paladin move "with impossible quickness" and inflict "grievous wounds upon his enemies" - but the Paladin takes damage while using this skill
Whirlwind Wind attack that strikes all squares around character.
Zealotry Lowers speed, but boosts attack points and strength.
Enchant Make target sword flame, other weapons magical.
Glacial Spike A cold spike that freezes target!
Summon Blood Golem Blood Golem fights to the death for you.
Wall of Bone An impassable wall with tough hit points.
Control Monster Tempory turns monster into an alley.



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