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The game Overview

GAme System Requirements

A Warriors's journal (aka manual thing, experieces, so on)

Game Overview / Features


THE BEST GAME in 1999!!! :) (nah, that's just my opinion.)

But these ARE real, but you should know all games are subjected to change until it's final. If it does change I will let you know. :)


Diablo II is half way compeleted! Meaning about 50%!

Diablo II is a huge game, Diablo 2 will ship on 4 CD-ROMs! WOW!!!

And the best thing is, you don't even have to switch CDs. Each CD contain one act. Four towns, meaning four acts. Find out about each town, click here.

Inside these 4 cd-roms, not only will you have months of fun playing this monsterous game, you will also be dramatized by long cinematic trailers and cutscenes. Of course, surround sound, great spooky soundtracks and special effects! Goto download area to see and hear these cool Diablo stuff.

5 characters Warriors, Rogue, Sorcerer  you won't see them anymore! They are your new guys. Each with unique abilities!

Complete skill trees that are unique for each class.

Able to enter buildings, and buy stuff , rest and talk to NPCs.

Elevated lands.

An advanced combat system which incorporates class-specific fighting techniques and spells.

Big monsters, stronget monster, cleverer monsters, eviler demons. Want to find out about them? Do you dare?

You will use better weapons, look sharper. Find out more about it.

New options including increased multiplayer support.

Awesome spells and potions for you to use.

Characters and monsters have the ability to run and jump.

You can also hire NPCs (mercenaries) to travel with you.

Component art. When your character puts something on, you can see it more accurately.

The game now features 3 new belts: the standard belt, sash, and the gridle. These belt will in fact affect the amount of items you are allowed to carry.

Day and Night cycles.


System requirements

Do not know yet.


Chapter I

What happened

-A Warriors's journal

    aniwarr.gif (16777 bytes)I am a level 40 warrior, and I am strongest. However, my bow skills wasn't good, Rogues are awesome in this skill, and many of them are pretty babes. ahhh I was too disgusted by those ugly scubbos. they are just very ugly... I am also not clever enough to learn great magic powers like the sorcerers can. But be strong is great. I now fight any monster like piece of cake.

    I ventured into the deep dungeons of church, which is hot like hell. umm... it is hell. there were dead skeletons, zombies, horned demons, scavengers plus deadly poisonous vipers. They are pretty tough at first. but that's a very long time ago. as I gain more experience, magic knowledge and find powerful weapons, I can kill all of them without losing single blood.

    knight.gif (14609 bytes)The advocates and blood knights are the loyalest and meanest monsters to protect their master, lord of all evil, diablo. i find The advocates too hard when they ran into bunch of blood knights\. It can be very frustrating...they are smart they usually don't follow you into getting killed!!!

    diablop.gif (5145 bytes)Diablo was very strong and powerful. it casts a devastating spell on its enemies and dont need much help from advocates and knights. This spell is called apocalypse I know the maxium damage this spell does is 6(six) times my experiemce level. So if I am level 40, then I can do 240 damage in one cast. What about diablo? i am not sure yet.

    But I have already killed diablo, it sure wasn't easy. I had to find godly armors, magic enchanted jeweries, and weapons that does most damage and highest chances to hit a monster. After i killed diablo, i went back to town and the townspeople thanked me and throw me a wonderful party.

    Later, I got married to a beautiful rogue from sisters of the sightless eye guild.

Story Over

Chapter II

What? diablo is back?

- By Narrator

    After containing Diablo's spirits, this hero journied east, but he was succumbed to the more powerful will of diablo. Now, diablo is free from his entrapment below tristam and has assumed his orginal appearance. With greater power he raised an army to conquer not just one city, but the whole world.

More story about diablo 2 in the future, sorry but I need to gather more information!