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    Blizzard is planning for more location specific quests. Like Bones of Chamber, Posioned Water Supply, Kind Leoric, and mad Laz which tasks does happen on the same level itself such as Griswold sword, and black mushroom.

    You will not only get quests in the single-player game, this time you will also get quests in a multiplayer game. However, difficulty option will be taken off because Blizzard has a different plan. It's already a hard game looks like what they're saying....nevertheless. There are already 4 quests announced. In the table below.


Quest Name

Quest Details

Den of Evil Involving rooting out infested buildings and finding treasures.
Forgotten Tower Involving rooting out infested buildings and finding treasures.
Field of Stones Revive a defunct circle of mystic stones, which ancient mages used to teleport to far-off realms. Restore the stone will give you the ability to visit "Tristram"
Sisters Burial Ground You will goto monastery burial grounds, there you will find that dead rogues have been resurrected by Andariel's magic.
Lost Tomb of Tal Rasha Crypt? Is this the one that you face Diablo's brother, Baal?

Their will be a lots of mysterious characters that will talk to you in the game.

Cetain quests might involve several towns together. Requring you to travel back and forth.