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* - Monsters back from Diablo I

(All names subjected to change before release) Unique Momsters first in GOLD

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Picture Monster Name Description


The most powerful of the lesser evils, and the boss of the first town (Monestary).

Evil Rogue (Corrupted)

A ressurected rogue made evil by Andariel.

Gangly Devil

One of the more powerful devil entities. boss?

Cherubic Demon

Like Gangly another powerful devil entitie. boss?


Monster hurls balls of lightning from their eyes and mouth.


Statue-type monster with serpent body.


A strong hunching enemy with sharp teeth and back.

Skeleton *

Oh you gotta remember this fella. Old enemy from the original Diablo!

The Fallen One *

Also back from Diablo original, but looks more powerful this time.

Zombie *

The walking rotting carcass are back also.

Winged Demon

An un-named flying demon. new.gif (634 bytes)

Twisted Monster

An un-named demon. new.gif (634 bytes)

monsternew.jpg (49732 bytes) Unknown yet An unnamed Strong Demon new.gif (634 bytes)
monsternew2.jpg (42036 bytes) Unknown yet An unnamed Skeleton Scopion type demon new.gif (634 bytes)
no pic yet Pink Lizard Serpent Demon monster class. It has a slashing, long-range tail attack and forearm claw strike. According to Blizzard, this demon will even strike with his claw to knock you back two spaces so he can combo with his deadly tail.
no pic yet Scarab  Demon A giant spotted beetle. When not rearing up on its hind legs to attack, this big bug remains burrowed in the ground. As you approach within a certain distance of its nest, it leaps out and begins attacking. These creatue can also lay eggs in the heat of battle; the eggs then hatch smaller, more tenacious beetles.