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 Butuan Events

Tree House

Ministry Assistant

Butuan City

Right Choice

Comfort Zone






 Isabela St Univ

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 N.V. Tech
 CLS University
 Metro Manila

 Univ Philippines

 Santa Rose

Butuan City 


 Coconut Research

 Davao City



Butuan City, Mindanao



1988, A student’s ministry at NORMSIST (Northern Mindanao State Institute of Science and Technology) is led by the Servant’s Team (4 of the 5 are former graduates who are looking for jobs). Two of these are ministry assistants who are paid only their basic needs for their availability to be the "heart and legs" of the ministry. Three past members (1 couple and 1 single girl) of this servant’s team are in Europe getting advanced training and education. Also four couples are in a monthly Bible Study. Oversight of both of these ministries are provided by the Millers.


Collegiate, High school and Extension

Contact Person(s):

Gary and Noelle Miller

Babeth Gonzalez


Weekly Fellowship, Small Group Bible Studies, and Student Retreats available for all. The Servant’s Team meets weekly for prayer, Bible Study, and equipping (these have committed themselves to be a "laborer"); in addition to a monthly 1/2 day Time Alone With God. The Millers home is always open for informal times of hospitality, friendship, typing papers on the computer, and providing small jobs to some to help meet their constant financial needs. The couples sometimes join the student’s activities.

Core group:


People under REACH influence:


People in training:



Cebuano, Tagalog, English

Greatest need:

  • A full-time Filipino Reach worker. (one is scheduled to arrive next month)
  • The vision and finances for the above. (from the Reach Alumni)
  • The penetration of the NORMSIST staff and faculty in order to develop long term laborers who won’t move on after graduation. Our only faculty member will be in Belgium for the next two years for an MA in computer science.
  • More creative ways to reach students in today’s world. (multimedia, drama, etc.)
  • Creative alternative jobs that will free some from the long hours of a government job in order to have more time and energy for ministry.
  • a Reach run small business that could provided jobs for our laborers. (We have a vision for a combination school supplies, copy, and computer-word processing center.
  • one or two computers that students can learn how to compute, how to type, do their own papers, do others as either a service or for a fee.
  • More interaction between students and couples.



Events in Butuan

Tree House Prayer Meeting

In the tradition of the haystack prayer meetings which led to a wave of missionaries being sent .worldwide, the Butuan group has a tree house prayer meeting.

Ging Ging Frias and Cerina Cuizon felt burdened to pray regularly for the ministry and wanted a place where Noelle Miller could join them.

Finding a quite spot in the Miller's house was difficult. The tree house seemed the perfect place.

Ging Ging says the tree house was originally built for Gary's kids, but the adults are using it more. The prayer team meets each week and usually starts around 6 am. Prayer continues until all needs are covered. The focus is on missions and the needs in the campus ministry.

Ging Ging says a course offered by Living Springs, which also offers the World Missions course, challenged her to pray more The prayer time started last summer in 1998 because

of a lack of workers and to help ministry leaders deal with pressure.


Today they claim promises for the campus and have noticed an improvement in the praise and worship part of their fellowships.

Gary says Ging Ging and Ccrina pacesetters in the group and appreciates their commitment to intercede for the ministry. p

. .................................................................. PRAYER CONCERNS

That the Servant's Team's passion for Jesus would grow and that they would, be built-up and filled-up to reach out to others.

That God would pour out His Spirit on our spiritual offspring (especially upon guys) so they would multiply themselves and become foundational leaders.

That now believers would grow In the five assurances, have a hunger for God's Word and be positive witnesses for Jesus to others.

That REACH couples and single alumni professionals would draw close to God and support the campus ministry through their prayers, financial support and ministry involvement.

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Ministry Assistant: Hands-On Training

The ears and legs of the ministry in Butuan City are the ministry assistants says Gary Miller. Ministry assistants work for the ministry after graduation and receive a small financial compensation. jobs are difficult to find, and the arrangement is beneficial for the ministry and the individual. Ministry assistants gain ministry exposure and can firm-up their commitment to disciplemaking.

"Hopefully they are with us long enough to catch the vision of disciplemaking," says Gary.

Cerina Cuizon is an Education graduate in Math. She attended the World Missions course at Living Springs in April 1997 and became a ministry assistant the following June. She leads bible studies, helps the Millers in REACH activities and overseas the REACH Center where she lives with severall women committed to making disciples. She sees that rules are observed, the bills are paid, and that conflicts that arise are resolved.

From the compensation she receives, she also supports a sister attending NORMISIST.

Cerina became a Christian in 1995. She did not understand the gospel when Susan -Montilla presented it, but prayed because a friend did. She grew up as a Rizalian. It was difficult to understand that there was only one God because she prayed to so many.

Babeth Gonzales discipled her and as they talked, Cerina finally understood the gospel and later prayed again on her own to accept Christ.

The first time Cerina led a bible study, she felt hesitant and intimidated. One member was a pastor's daughter. Cerina says her confidence grew as she learned to depend on God.

Students come and go, but Cerina says she keeps looking for FAT people-faithful, available and teachable.

Cerina says she's not the same person anymore. She is less shy and is learning not to fix her eyes on problems that arise or on other leaders-but on Christ.

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Butuan City

Gary Miller says the ministry in Butuan is getting important pieces together that will sustain the ministry in the long term. These include new commitments from the old guard and alumni in the area, the arrival of Mercy Beltran, and an income generating plan.

A visit by Paul Pasicolan led to a resurrection of the old timers. Many made financial commitments to the ministry and arc being encouraged to take one or two students to disciple (About 100 people are attending various ministry activities on campus). Gary says longevity needs others involved.

A December outing advertised as a time to talk, eat and swim, drew 25 out of 35 single alumni still living in the am.

Overall, the arrival of Mercy Beltran and Cynthia Ubina for ministry assignments and the visits of Paul and Abel Saquing gave "a new shot of energy' to the ministry.

The ministry hopes to establish a communications center near the campus to generate extra funds project. They received two computers from the University of Southern California and a printer. They also need xerox machine. The location is a short walk from the back entrance of the campus. Once established they would be about the only such service near the school

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The Right Choice

It is clear in Cynthia Ubina's mind that leaving her job for the ministry was no mistake. . Thc fruit she is seeing is a confirmation of her step of faith, but she says she ultimately rests her decision on God's Word.

Cynthia arrived in Davao City  October 1999. Nars Lozada, NDS member for Mindanao, says her arrival is the answer of two years of prayer for a full-time campus worker.

The campus ministry started at The University of Southeastern Philippines with a prayer walk around the main campus and the campus of the College of Development and Management (CDM). Cynthia was joined by Bong Pafin's daughter and niece, Bein and Gina.

Seven classmates of Bein and Gina attended the first evangelistic meeting and received Christ. As of December, 23 students were attending bible study.

Another evangelistic meeting was held in a boarding house. Ten students and two adults received Christ. Since most are working students and have conflicting schedules, only two are being followed up by Glenda and Becks.

The Davao ministry hopes to start another campus work at the three-year-old University of the Philippines-Mindanao.

Cynthia said she enjoyed going out alone, walking the streets and exploring the land when she first arrived. She is praying for a vehicle to make traveling easier since schools are far apart.

Another thing she says she enjoys is not having to rush her time with God. She uses the time to listen to Him and pray for others. She says God is teaching her to trust and depend upon Him.



Continuous hunger and thirst for God and His righteousness for the now converts.

• Equipping seminars for professionals willing to be Involved In student ministry.

• Recognition of REACH Ministry at USEP.

• Establishment of a ministry at U.P. Mindanao and at the Philippine Science High School.

• Vehicle to get around Davao City to the various schools and branches.

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Out of the Comfort Zone

Disciplemaking is not an easy task, but Mercy Beltran stepped out of her comfort zone when she left Cabagan for Mindanao last October.

She says she never experienced so many emotional hang-ups than she did after leaving her family and the ministry she was exposed to for 18 years. She describes the days after her arrival as a crisis period.

'Since I could not go to my parents or to my old ministry leaders, I just had to go to God and have a heart-to-heart talk to Him,' says she learned to die to herself like a kernel of wheat in order to produce many seeds.

By November she assessed the needs of the MSU and NORMISIST ministries and decided to travel between the two ministry areas every 15 days. She helps strengthen existing women leaders and helps equip potential disciples through one-on-one time and bible studies.

At MSU, a ladies training apartment was set up with 11 women.

In December and January she took two women, one from MSU and one from Butuan City on an exposure tour in Luzon.

Overall she says her faith in God is strengthened as she senses His favor and presence.


For protection and strength a Mercy travels between MSU and Butuan every 15 days.

For wisdom In feeding the flock God has entrusted to her.

Moment by moment intimacy with God through His Word and prayer.


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