graphic effects created with WWW Gif Aimator

Welcome to my Virtual Art Gallery brought to you by  NORTH AMERICAN CRAFTS & ARTIFACTS   1070 West 17th Street - North Vancouver, British Columbia - CANADA - V7P 1W2 - 604 - 985-6249  [email protected]  images copyright(c)1998 Mike Skellenger

Davey Jones Demon Space
 Mythaxe Flash
Flash Skull
Attack Mode

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*  "A "critic" is a man who creates nothing and thereby feels qualified to judge the work of creative men. There is logic in this; he is unbiased---he hates all creative people equally."
 from: The Notebooks of Lazarus Long    by Robert Heinlein

Dragon pages some animated GIFs
Unicorns & other beasts Family member profiles
Halloween Images Links to Family Pages
Assorted graphics Links to other Skellenger Pages
Writings on various subjects Links to Friends Pages
Mike's resume Links you might find useful or interesting...
North American Crafts & Artifacts Family Photo Album