Other Links you might find useful or fun

Fortune City - Free Homepages
This is where I have constructed my primary internet address
Geo-Cities - Free Homepages
Homestead the web!
 Tripod - FREE Homepages
 another place to build a cyber home
ICQ - internet CHAT
 a great tool for keeping in touch with family and friends on line

You might find something of interest in these sites...


Government of CANADA
 those bi-lingual folks who take from our paycheques but who give us back so much more in return

Government of British Columbia
 the happy chappies who provide so much entertainment for the citizens of BC
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
 think that it will ever be enforced?
United Nations
North Shore News
 our local community paper - often editorially at odds with The New World Order
but more power to them for their stance on freedom of speech
 POLARIS   Employment   Services
serving people with developmental disabilities in the lower mainland

The White House
 Wannabe a White House Aid?
 Cities of Greater Vancouver
North Vancouver RCMP
Jim Rose Circus Sideshow
Buffy Saint-Marie

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