Other "SKELLENGER" pages
They may not all have the name but they ARE Skellengers

Shadoe of Your Thoughts 
- by Shaun Kardinal
Shaun is my nephew, son of my sister Debbie - Shaun likes to design web pages - I believe that he THINKS in html
The Lonely Towers of Long Mistakes 
- by Shaun Kardinal
Shaun's Smashing Pumpkins page

Roger Kardinal  Homepage - by Shaun Kardinal
Shaun's dad is an excellent musician...
my brother-in-law

Harold Schellinx   (Skellenger) 
 Contacted him in Europe about ancestry - probably NOT related but nice to know that the name still exists there...

Jacobus Schellinks (Jacob Schellinger),
one of East Hampton's early offshore whalemen.
From drawing made by his brother Willem
in Amsterdam, Holland, 1657
  (This picture lent by Mrs Eliza Schellinger Barker to Jeannette Rattray for publication in her book "East Hampton History")

This site will be of interest to Skellengers who want to know more about the origins of how they came to be on this continent...
by Vaun Skellenger
Vaun was able to connect our own line back to Jacobus Schellinx

Skellengers R US - by Vaun Skellenger
purchase clothes and afghans

 Go to E-mail Address Page for family and friends
Dragon pages some animated GIFs
Unicorns & other beasts Family member profiles
Halloween Images Links to Family Pages
Assorted graphics Links to other Skellenger Pages
Writings on various subjects Links to Friends Pages
Mike's resume Links you might find useful or interesting...
North American Crafts & Artifacts Family Photo Album

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