The dragons begin to speak. Yin and Yang are commingled.
The Yuan Kien Lei Han
 And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged .
Isaiah 13, 22
Welcome to my Virtual Art Gallery brought to you by  NORTH AMERICAN CRAFTS & ARTIFACTS   1070 West 17th Street - North Vancouver, British Columbia - CANADA - V7P 1W2 - 604 - 985-6249  [email protected]  images copyright(c)1998 Mike Skellenger

are my favorite subject to draw and paint. 
Dragons come in all shapes, sizes and temperments but I tend to draw mostly very friendly dragons. 
There are many books, stories and pictures of dragons by many, many people. My favorite dragon remains Puff (the Magic Dragon) by Peter, Paul and Mary. The version of the song that I like best is from their In Concert album. A close second is the magnificently rendered creature in the movie Dragon Heart. Draco is awesomely real.
Some people still don't believe in dragons. You have probably met some of these people. 
But talk to any kids and they know all about dragons.
These pages are dedicated to the kid in each of us who can still see dragons, in clouds, in rock formations, hiding in shadows or moonlight or presenting themselves in the full light of day.
I hope you enjoy these images. 
Mike Skellenger (snogard)
"Daddy" dragon has just been confronted with his 
eternal paternity... 
Baby dragon luv his daddy...
Mommy dragon smirks...
Had to look after that egg 
all this time... 
now its daddy's turn
to accept MUCH more of the responsibility for 
raising his dragon son...
No more late nights out 
of the cave 
with the dragon guys.
*  For the undisputed BEST in DRAGONS, 
read any of the books by   Anne McCaffrey   about the world of  P e r n
I plan to keep adding more dragons as I get more scanned and or drawn
Double Dragon - a symmetrical composition... not the video game...
Orstone Trollslayer- a dragon with a cutlass
Dirais Glowztarz - a very young dragon
Heart dragon - not Draco
Dragonface - a dragon's portrait
Andrac - has a bit of an attitude but friendly when he gets to know you
Dragon patch - my Ninja dragon
Aldrigana - she's a real looker
Infinity - meditation dragons
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Earth is too small a basket for mankind to keep all it's eggs in.    - Robert Heinlein
 An excellent book theorizing about dragons ability to fly: 
The Flight of Dragons 
by: Peter Dickenson
Dragon pages some animated GIFs
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North American Crafts & Artifacts Family Photo Album

"The great reptiles were the most successful life forms ever to populate this world. For 140 million years they ruled the Earth, filled the sky, swarmed in the the seas. At this time the mammals, the ancestors of mankind, were only tiny, shrew-like animals that preyed upon the larger, faster, more intelligent saurians.
Then, 65 million years ago, this all changed. a meteor six miles in diameter struck the Earth and caused disastrous atmospheric upheavals. Within a brief span of time over seventy-five percent of all the species then existent were wiped out. The age of the dinosaurs was over; the evolution of the mammals that they had suppressed for 100 million years began.
But what if that meteor had not fallen?
What would our world be like today?"
from: WEST OF EDEN  by: Harry Harrison