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Periodic Table of Elements
You can now see the status effects of all magics

A Brief tutorial of our elemental system.  Here I'll describe all the elements, as well
as have pictures of their symbols, and maybe even an example of a type of magic that uses it.

The  Elements are as follows:

Fire- Fire spells are strong against Undead Monsters, Plant Monsters, and Icy monsters, Fire is Super Affective against Ice and Poison, but bad against Earth and Water. And Example of a Fire spell would be your basic FireBall or the much more advanced, Heat Laser. Can Add the Status Effect: Burn. Enemies will take Damage periodically. Ice attacks Remove the effect.
Ice- Ice Spells are strong against Bugs, Dragons and Fiery monsters. Ice is super effective against Fire. A Good thing about Ice is that it doesn't do bad against anything! An Example of an Ice Attack Would be your basic Ice Blast attack, or the more advanced Nitro Flash. Can add the Status Effect: Freeze. Enemies are Frozen in place for a while. Fire Attacks Remove the effect.
Water-Water attacks are strong against earthen and fiery monsters. Water is super effective against Fire and Earth, But bad against Thunder and Plant Monsters. An Example of a Water Magic would be the basic Flood attack, or the More advanced, Tsunami attack.
Wind-Wind spells are powerful spells that are good against Gravity, Earth and Flying Monsters. Wind is super effective against both Earth and Gravity. An Example of a Wind attack would be the basic Aero attack, or the more advanced Twister attack. Can Sometimes Confuse the enemy.
Earth-Earth Spells utilize the power of mother earth. They are strong against Fire attacks, and Immune to Thunder Attacks. Earth elementals are very weak against Ice, Water, and Wind. An Example of an Earth Attack would be the basic Tremor attack, or the more advanced, Quake attack.
Poison-Poison attacks are strong against Bugs, Plants(Some Plants absorb Poison), Humanoid Enemies. Poison is weak against Fire because Poisonous creatures are highly flammable due to the large number of toxins in their bodies. Poison attacks aren't very strong against water creatures.  An Example of a Poison Attack would be Acid Arrow, or the more advanced Bio attack. Can add the Status Change: Poison, Venom. Poison takes some health away every so often. Venon disables the victim until it is cured and drains his energy and health.
Thunder-Thunder Elemental attacks have the highest Magic Attack. They would do slightly more damage then say a fire attack, to a normal enemy. Thunder attacks are strong against Water creatures but are useless against Earth Creatures. An Example of a Thunder attack would be the basic Lightning attack, or the much or advanced Mega Thunder Blast attack. Can Paralyze the enemy.
Holy-Holy Magic is very strong against Demons and evil creatures. Being a holy element, its only weakness is Shadow. Holy magic is more so considered White Magic then Black Magic, so you wont see Damian casting any holy magic.
Shadow-Shadow is an evil element. Shadow is good against Light and Holy enemies. Shadow attacks are also weak against both holy and light. And example of a Shadow attack would be the basic Dark Shot attack, or the more advanced Umbra Beam attack.
Gravity- Gravity is a Special element, Not really an "Element" at all. It isn't really Anything to do with gravity. Gravity attacks are Percentage attacks that take off a certain amount of health from the opponents. Gravity does the same damage to all creatures. Although there are FEW Gravity monsters, the ones that DO exist are weak against wind. An example of a Gravity attack is the Demi attack or the much more advanced, Maelstrom attack.
Light-Light attacks are super effective against Shadow. They are also weak against Shadow. Damian is no stranger to the Light element. Even though in his normal form he is the Water/Wind elemental, While in Enhanced form, he changes to the Light element. Light attacks are like plasma beams. An Example of a Light magic is Flash.
Non-elemental-There are also Non-elemental Magics that are strong against everything and weak against nothing. An Example of a Non-Elemental attack would be the basic, but powerful Magic Missile spell. A more advanced Non-Elemental spell would be the Flare or Meteo spells.