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Fighter-A basic class found commonly around the world of Darnithias. Fighters carry swords and wear armor. They are very strong melee fighters and usually have very high Health and Stregth, but few extra abilities.

Mage-Probably the most popular of all classes, the Mage can cast tons of spells on his enemies. These are generally some of the most powerful classes.

Thief-A Thief is exactly as it sounds. These classes like to steal things. They specialize in Picking Locks, Hiding in the Shadows, Pick pocketing, and general thievery. Not exactly the strongest class, but definately something to have with you.

Cleric-A Cleric is a white Mage, trained in curative magic. They can not only Polymorph themselves into other creatures, but raise the dead, and use basic Necromancy. They can use minor Evocation magic (i.e. Fire, Thunder etc...) but They specialize in healing. Kiki is a Cleric.

Sub Classes

Fighter Subclasses:

Kensai-The sword Saint, trained to be one with his sword. Specializing in the ability "Kai", Kensai's are very strong. Kensai tend to DUAL-CLASS at higher leveled, but some are born dualed.

Monk/Martial Artist-These classes choose not to fight with weapons, but rather their hands. Some people tend to argue that Gauntlets are considered weapons, but your average Monk could really care less about what others think. Joey is this class.

Archer-A fighter who doesnt really wear armor or use swords. They can wear leather armor, and or basic splint mail. They also like to use Bows and Arrows instead of weapons.

Mercenary-A special kind of fighter that wields a sword and can specialize in any other type of class skill. Damian is a mercenary, he has specialized in Black Magic.

Mage Subclasses:

Specialist Mage-Specialist Mages come in all shapes and sizes. The most common are Illusionists and Evocators. Illusionists have the ability to distort reality and shape it to their likings. Evocators cast energy attacks. Illusionists are also called Red Mages.

Cleric Subclasses:

Harper/Druid: A Harper is kind of like a Cleric, except they cannot learn attack spells. Harpers can ONLY heal or revive allies. They cannot learn spells that damage other creatures.

Dual Classes

Kensage-A Kensai who has dual-classed to a Mage is referred to as a Kensage. Aside from using all the abilities from both sides of their class. Some consider Kensages to be beyond destructable, because of their amazing strength, health, intelligence, and so on.

Bounty Hunter-Bounty Hunters are also Considered Fighter-Thieves. They are also considered Ninjas. They are hunters of men, and follow their own rules. Thusly, all Bounty Hunters are pretty much always the True-Neutral Alignment. Robbie is a Bounty Hunter.

Cleric/Mage-A powerful combination of Both Black and White magic. These classes a very physically weak, but magically inclined because they can heal and harm at the same time. Andrea is a Cleric/Mage.