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Magic System
Some Magic infects the enemy with Status Changes. These status changes are pretty basic...But If you go to the Elemental System, you can read which types of status changes each element inflicts.

Our Magic system really isn't hard to understand. There are 5 levels to determine how much strong each spell is. As Damian gains experience and levels up, he will learn new magical spells of whatever level he is currently on. (Robbie and Joey learn abilities in a similar way).
Spells start at level one and increase to the next level each time Damian gains ten levels. Pretty simple huh? Damian learns  new spells as he levels up. Simple isn't it? Once Damian learns a magical spell he can use it as much as he wants to, BUT it does drain his energy alittle bit. If he stops using magic for a few minutes, his energy will recover. But if he uses all his energy up, he will need to rest before he can even attempt to use more magic.