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Abilities List
Here I will list the characters Abilities and what levels they learn them. *=Enhanced Form

Kensage Skills:

Level 1:  Enhance (Changes character to Super Form)

Level 5: Counter (Damian counter attacks when Physically attacked)

Level 10: Energy Counter (Damian counters with an Energy Attack when Attacked with a Special Attack)

Level 20: Dual Blade (Attacks twice consecutively)

Level 30: Meio Twister (powerful Energy Attack)

Level 40: Cell-Share (Allows Damian to enhance two characters together.)

Level 50: Crusader (A 30 Hit Sword Combo that ends with a devastating blast of energy)

Gift Ability**: Tsunami (Strong Water Damage to all enemies)
Gift Ability**: Water Breathing (Damian can breathe under water)

Special Ability Aquired from Wrayth Battle: Wind Tunnel (Strongest wind elemental attack)

*Nuclear Nova:

Level 1: Energy Shot (Minor Light Damage)

Level 5: Dual Shot (Twice the Damage of Energy Shot)

Level 10: Energy Ball (Medium Light Damage)

Level 20: Dual Ball (Twice the damage of Energy Ball)

Level 30: Plasma Sword (Creates a sword made out of Energy for Damian to wield against the enemy)

Level 40: Dive Bomb (Nuke enacases himself in energy, flies up high and then smashes down into the enemy)

Level 50:  Supreme Cannon (Nuclear Nova's Strongest Attack)

Ninja Skills:

Level 1: Smoke Bomb (Escape from battle)

Level 5: Throw (Throws Shuriken/Ninja Stars at the enemy)

Level 10: Steal (Steals items from the enemy)

Level 20: Double Team (Creates Mirror Images of Robbie to confuse enemy)

Level 30: Cherry Blossom (Slashes enemies as Cherry Blossoms fall)

Level 40: G-Defiance  (Robbie can defy gravity, and move around the field in any direction. Increases his evade by 90%)

Level 50: Dragon Sword (Robbie forms a huge dragon made out of Energy that flies up and smashes into the enemy to stun them, Robbie then runs at the enemy and begins to slash as the faded dragon begins spewing energy breath at the enemy)

Gift Ability**: Squall (Creates a Water Tornado)

Gift Ability**: Water Armor  (Absorbs water damage)


Level 1: Evade+ (Raises Robs evade by 50%)

Level 5: Minor Energy Beam (Small powered energy attack)

Level 10: Turn Invisible (Unable to be hit by physical attacks)

Level 20: Darkness Blades (Conjures Blades of Darkness to attack the enemy)

Level 30: Eternal Moon (Strong Energy Attack)

Level 40: Cloak of Darkness (Makes all allies invisible)

Level 50: Gravitron Laser (Harnesses the power of Gravity and fires a huge plasmatic beam at the enemy. This attack either reduces the enemy to a Single Hit Point, Kills them Instantly, or Misses. It has a 33.3% Chance of doing any of these three things.)

Abilities Learned from new costume: (Robbie has Infinite Shurikens Now)
Ninjitsu Abilities:

Level 35: Wall Walker (Robbie can walk on walls without any problems)

Level 40: Stealth Slice (Robbie creates many mirror images of himself and does a quadruple slash to the enemy)

Level 45: Ninjitsu Lightning (Robbie gains a glowing green aura, his attack and speed increase by alot and his physical attack paralyzes enemies)

Level 50: Ninjitsu Fire (Robbie creates an enormous ball of fire that explodes and obliterates all enemies)

Blitz Skills:

Level 1: Elemental Punch (Joey picks an Element and Does that damage to the enemy, weak damage)

Level 5: Pummel (Joey does a series of punches to the enemy)

Level 10: Beat Rush (Joey performs a Rush of attacks, Medium Damage)

Level 20: Lightning kick (Joey Jumps up and strikes the enemy with an Electrical Attack)

Level 30: Mantra (Joey chants for a minute and all allies are restored to full health and energy)

Level 40: Aura (Joey Chants for a minute and all allies stats are raised for the duration of battle, but soon wear off)

Level 50: Plasmatic Combo (Joey's body becomes encased in energy and he begins to pull off a huge combo of attacks hitting with Light and thunder elemental.)

Gift Ability**: Hydro Blast (Creates a water blast attack)
Gift Ability**: Bubble Shield (Creates a Bubble Shield)

*Xavan's Abilities:

Level 1: Energy Shield (this shield prevent's Damage to Xavan and any one party member inside the shield)

Level 5: Use Level 1 Magic (Allows Xavan to use level one magic)

Level 10: Use Level 2 Magic (allows Xavan to use level two magic)

Level 20: Use level 3 Magic (allows Xavan to use level three magic)

Level 30: Use level 4 Magic (allows Xavan to use level four magic)

Level 40: Use level 5 Magic (allows Xavan to use level five magic)

Level 50: W-Magic (Allows Xavan and Damian to both Cast the same spell in one turn. Damian cannot be enhanced to use this ability.)

New Powers:
Negative Enhanced Form: Dagrion***
(Damian Does NOT cause Joey to transform into Dagrion, he can do it himself.)

Level 35: Fire Cross (Dagrion creatures four huge spheres of flames to be shot at the enemy.)

Level 40: Terra Disintergration (A Powerful Earth Attack, the earth beneath the enemy shakes incredibly violently and explodes into madness)

Level 45: Chaos Saber (This attack obliterates any Undead or ghostly creatures in one hit.)

Level 50: Super Nova (This attack uses Dagrions incredible mind power to summon a huge super nova to explode with Fire, Gravity, Wind and Earth Damage against the enemy.)

***Joey becomes so incredibly angered by Wrayth taking over Damian, that he force-enhances himself into Dagrion. Because he is so incredibly enraged, he doubles in his level, allowing him to use his Super Nova attack.

Cleric Skills:

Level 1: Scan (See Enemy stats)

Level 5: Clairvoyance (Kiki can see what is in other parts of the area)

Level 10: Fire Strike (Powerful Fire attack)

Level 20: Shadow Door (Allows Kiki to Teleport places with others)

Level 30: Pearl (Very Powerful Holy attack to all enemies)

Level 40: Bolt of Glory (Extremely powerful Thunder attack)

Level 50: Holy Smite (The skies open up and any evil creatures around, in other words every hostile creature suffers IMMENSE Holy Damage Damage.)

Gift Ability**: Healing Spring (Heals all enemies)
Gift Ability**: Down Pour (Hits the enemy with rain)

*Super Kiki:

Level 1: Polymorph To Human (Cancels any polimorphications)

Level 5: Polymorph Self, Panther (Transforms Super Kiki into a Panther)

Level 10: Polymorph Self, Fiend (Transforms Super Kiki into a Demon)

Level 20: Polymorph Self, Basilisk (Transforms Super Kiki into a Basilisk)

Level 30: Polymorph Self, Wyvern (Transforms Super Kiki into a Wyvern)

Level 40: Polymorph Self, Chromatic Demon (Transfroms Super Kiki in a shape shifting Demon)

Level 50: Polymorph Self, Dragon (Transforms Super Kiki into a Huge Dragon.)

New Powers:
Negative Enhanced Form: Flame Kiki***
(Damian Does NOT cause Kiki to transform into Flame Kiki, she can do it herself.)

Level 35: Fire Shield (An Aura of Flames surrounds Flame Kiki, ability is NEEDED to perform ANY other attacks, for this attack is what makes Kiki, Flame Kiki.)

Level 40: Vulcan Cannon (Shoots fireballs at the enemy)

Level 45: Magma Blade (Creates a sword of pure lava for Flame Kiki to wield, this sword is NOT like Damian's Ashbane, Kiki's Magma Blade is 100% made of lava.)

Level 50: Implosion (Kiki's Strongest, Ultimate Attack. This creates a fault in the earths crust and causes enormous balls of volcanic flame to rise from the ground and smash the enemy into Oblivion)

***Kiki Became so enraged by what the red mage Tati did to her, and then when Tati mocked her, it forced an evolutionary response that caused Kiki to enhance herself into Flame Kiki. This ability causes Kiki to burst into flame, making her immune to fire attacks. Because of her extreme anger, the first time she does this, her level doubles allowing her to do Implosion.