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Here I will show the characters attributes.
*=Added stat to fit their special abilities. **=only applicable in Enhanced form.
HP: High
MP: High
Attack Power: Very High
Physical Defense: Below average
Speed: Average
Special Attack: Very High
Special Defense: Average
Magic Attack*: Very High
Evade: Below Average
Status Defense: Very Low

HP: High
MP: Average
Attack Power: High
Physical Defense: Average
Speed: Very High
Special Attack: Average
Special Defense: Below Average
Evade: Very High
Status Defense: Average

HP: Very High
MP: Average
Attack Power: Average
Physical Defense: Very High
Speed: High
Special Attack: Average
Special Defense: Very High
Magic Attack**: Average
Evade: High
Status Defense: Average

HP: High
MP: Very High
Attack Power: Average
Physical Defense: Low
Speed: High
Special Attack: Very High
Special Defense: High
Magic Attack*: Very High
Evade: Low
Status Defense: Average