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This describes the personality traits of characters

True Good-This alignment is for people who obey the law always. They do what is right, despite whether they agree with it or not. They are generally peace keepers. Joey is True Good.

Good-People of the Good Alignment do what is right, although they sometimes object. Occasionally people of this alignment prefer to do other things, but very rarely. Kiki is Good.

Neutral Good-The Neutral God alignment is for people who do what they think is right, but they also obey the rules. They go with their gut instincts in hopes they are right.

True Neutral-People of the True Neutral aligment are very comparable to the Neutral Good alignment. They do what they think is right, even if its against the rules. Damian is True Neutral

Neutral-Neutrally aligned people do not chose sides. They are their own bosses, and do whatever they think is correct. Robbie is Neutral.

Chaotic Neutral-These people are like Neutrals, except they don't care if they're being good or bad. They can cause mayhem, or save the world, which ever it is, they don't care. The Brothers are Chaotic Neutral.

Evil Neutral-Very Comparable to the Chaotic Neutral Alignment, except these people tend to steer more towards doing evil.

True Evil-True Evil creatures love doing bad things, and they do them constantly. But, they are leery of what they're doing, and they can sometimes be Merciful.

Evil-These people are beyond mercy. They don't care who they kill or how they kill them. Bad is their bag and they love it.

Chaotic Evil-Unlike normal Evil, Chaotic evil cause mayhem and destruction whenever they want too. They don't care of consequences and Mercy is NOT in their vocabulary. Schizo is Chaotic Evil.