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Magic List
This will list all of the currently know magical attacks that Damian and Kiki can use.

Level 1 Black Magic Spells (Damian):

Magic Missile: A powerful spell that when casted, allows the user to fire up to five powerful energy shots at the enemy. This a good spell to know because it is very quick and easy to use. Non-Elemental. Learned at Level 1 (Costs 5 MP)

Fireball: Creates a weak fire ball to shoot at the enemy. Fire Elemental. Learned at Level 2 (Costs 5 MP)

Ice Blast: Creates a weak ice attack to fire at the enemy. Ice Element. Learned at Level 3 (Costs 6 MP)

Water: Creates water bubbles to shoot at the enemy. Water Element. Learned at Level 4 (Costs 7 MP)

Aero: Creates a small tornado. Wind Element. Learned at Level 5 (Costs 5 MP)

Poison Spray: Creates a blast of Poisonous Liquid. Poison Element. Learned at Level 6 (Costs 8 MP)

Bolt: A Weak Thunder Elemental Attack. Learned at Level 7 (Costs 8 MP)

Psy: Damian uses a Psychic attack, non-elemental Learned at Level 8 (Costs 8 MP)

Dark Shot: A Small Arrow of Darkness. Shadow element. Learned at Level 9 (Costs 9 MP

Flash: A Weak, But blinding Light element attack. Learned at Level 10. (Costs 10 MP

Here is a crude picture of what all level 1 Black Magic looks like.

Level 1 White Magic Spells (Kiki):

Cure Light Wounds: Heals other character or self by a little. Learned at level 1. (Costs 2 MP)

Armor: raises other characters defense. Learned at level 2. (Costs 2 MP)

Haste 1: raises characters speed a bit. Learned at level 3. (Costs 2 MP)

Hold: Paralyzes Enemy. Learned at level 4. (Costs 4 MP)

Slow Poison: Cures poison. Learned at level 5. (Costs 5 MP)

Bless: Raises Kiki's stats. Learned at level 6. (Costs 6 MP)

Protection from evil: Makes a character Immune to shadow attacks. Learned at level 7. (Costs 7 MP)

Stone to Flesh: Cures petrification. Learned at level 8. (Costs 5 MP)

Charm: Confuses enemy. Learned at Level 9. (Costs 4 MP)

Power Word "Cause Minor Wounds": Does light damage to an enemy. Learned at Level 10. (Costs 9 MP)

Level 2 Black Magic Spells (Damian):

Freeze: a weak ice attack with a High Freeze Ratio. Learned at level 11. (Costs 12 MP)

Flood: A flooding attack. Learned at level 12. (Costs 11 MP)

Healing Breeze: A weak wind attack that heals the party a bit. Learned at level 13. (Costs 15 MP)

Drain: Drains health from the enemy, non elemental. Learned at level 14. (Costs 10 MP)

Acid Arrow: A defense ignoring poison attack. Learned at level 15. (Costs 12 MP)

Tremor: A weak earthshaking attack. Learned at level 16. (Costs 14 MP)

Lightning: A mediocre Thunder attack. Learned at level 17. (Costs 15 MP)

Pyro: A medicore fire attack. Learned at level 18. (Costs 15 MP)

Power Word "Cause Medium Wounds": This spell is non elemental and does exactly as it says it says. Learned at level 19. (Costs 18 MP)

Flash II: A more advanced Flash. Learned at level 20. (Costs 20 MP)

Crude Picture of Level 2 Black Magic

Level 2 White Magic (Kiki):

Ghost Armor: Raises characters special defense. Learned at level 11 (Costs 10 MP)

Fire Blade: Creates a Flaming sword for Kiki to wield. Learned at level 12. (Costs 12 MP)

Cure Medium Wounds: Heals a bit more then level one spell. Learned at level 13. (Costs 11 MP)

Draw Upon Holy Might: Raises other characters Stats. Learned at level 14. (Costs 12 MP)

Animate Undead: Summons undead monsters to fight for Kiki. Learned at level 15. (Costs 15 MP)

Call Lightning: Strong Thunder elemental Damage. Learned at level 16. (Costs 20 MP)

Invisibility Purge: Makes any invisible creatures able to be seen. Learned at level 17. (Costs 10 MP)

Glyph of Warding: Any "evil" creatures are held back by a strong force. Learned at level 18. (Costs 12 MP)

Remove Disease: Removes bad status changes from allie. Learned at level 19. (Costs 20 MP)

Strength of One: Makes everyones Strength stat at VERY HIGH (No effect on Damian). Learned at level 20. (Costs 25 MP)

Level 3 Black Magic (Damian)

Fira: A Powerful Fire Attack. Learned at level 21 (Costs 26 MP)

Blizzara: A Powerful Ice Attack. Learned at level 22 (Costs 26 MP)

Thundara: A Powerful Thunder Attack. Learned at level 23 (Costs 28 MP)

Demi: A Gravity Attack, Takes 1/4 of the enemies Health Away. Learned at level 24 (Costs 30 MP)

Aero II: An Advanced Wind Spell. Learned at level 25 (Costs 30 MP)

Shadow Mirror: This attack makes the target (an Ally) Immune to Shadow Damage. All other elemental attacks do double damage to the person who is affected with Shadow Mirror, BUT the Damage is Reflected back at the offender. To put it mildly, Any elemental Attack other then Shadow, does 2x Damage to both the Enemy and the Ally. Learned at level 26 (Costs 45 MP)

Flash III: A Super Powerful Light Attack. Learned at level 27 (Costs 40 MP)

Melt Down: A Powerful Poison attack that lowers the Enemies Defensive Stat. Learned at level 28 (Costs 40 MP)

Water II: An Advanced Water Attack. Learned at level 29 (Costs 40 MP)

Power Word: Blue Fire: A Super Attack that creates Devastating blue flames all over the field. Any enemy that suffers Damage from this attack will take Fire, Water and Ice damage. This attack Ignores Defense and Elemental Staus. Learned at level 30. (Costs 50 MP)

Level 3 White Magic (Kiki)

Cure Serious Wounds: Cures wounds by alot. Learned at Level 21. (25 MP)

Cause Serious Wounds: Opposite of Cure Serious Wounds. Learned at Level 22. (27 MP)

Heal-All: Restores some HP to all Allies. Learned at Level 23. (30 MP)

Holy Servent: Summons a Creature to Aide Kiki. Learned at Level 24. (31 MP)

Guard: Raises the defense of all allies. Learned at Level 25. (40 MP)

Rush: Makes everyone speed up a bit. Learned at Level 26. (40 MP)

Heal: Heals one allie to full health. Learned at level 27. (50 MP)

Harm: Causes ALOT of Damage to one enemy. Learned at Level 28. (50 MP)

Disintergration: Has a 1 in 10 Chance of Instantly Killing the Enemy. Learned at Level 29. (75 MP)

White: Causes medium holy damage. Learned at Level 30. (55 MP)

Level 4 Black Magic (Damian)

Firaga: Very Powerful Fire Attack. Learned at level 31. (40 MP)

Blizzaga: Very Powerful Ice Attack. Learned at level 32. (40 MP)

Thundaga: Very Powerrful Thunder Attack. Learned at level 33. (40 MP)

Gravija: Gravity Attack, Does 1/2 of the enemys HP. Learned at Level 34. (50 MP)

Aero III: Very Powerful Wind Attack. Learned at Level 35 (55 MP)

Water III: Very Powerful Water Attack. Learned at level 36 (60 MP)

Pyscho-Kinesis: A powerful, Mind Attack. 1 in 5 chance of confusion. Learnd at level 37. (60 MP)

Demon Slice: Damian Fades and then Slashes the enemy. 50% Chance of 1 Hit KO. Learned at level 38. (100 MP)

Earth Quake: The Strongest Earth Attack. Learned at Level 39. (70 MP)

Oblivion: Incredibly Powerful Non Elemental Attack. Learned at level 40. (85 MP)

Level 4 White Magic (Kiki)

Mass-Revive: Revive's all fallen allies. Learned at level 31. (50 MP)

Death: Attempts to Kill the enemy in one shot. 1 in 10 chance of hitting. Learned at Level 32. (55 MP)

Life-Drain: Sucks the health out of the enemy and evenly distributes it to all allies. Has a 1 in 25 Chance of killing the enemy instantly. Learned at Level 33. (60 MP)

Zeus' Bolt: A Very Powerful Lightning Attack. Learned at leve 34. (65 MP)

Fire Storm: An Incredibly powerful Fire Attack that hits all enemies. Learned at Level 35 (70 MP)

Energy Blades: Creates Blades of Energy to use against the enemies. Learned at level 36. (75 MP)

Venom: An incredibly strong poison attack that poisons the enemy 100% of the time. Level 37. (80 MP)

Power Word: Miracle: If any allie is damaged in any way, (lack of MP or HP or Dead etc) They are fully healed. Learned at level 38. (100 MP)

Remove Souless: Instantly kills any undead enemies (i.e skeletons/zombies/etc...) Learned at level 39. (90 MP)

Holy: Second strongest Holy elemental attack. Learned at level 40. (100 MP)

Level 5 Black Magic (Damian)

Heat Laser: Strongest Fire elemental attack. Gathers Solar Heat into palm and then fires it at his opponent in one enormous blast. Has a 100% Burn Ratio. Learned at level 41. (75 MP)

Nitro Flash: Strongest Ice Elemental Attack. Collects Nitrogen and then does a complete White-Out of temperatures close to Aboslute Zero.  Has 100% Freeze Ratio. Learned at Level 42. (75 MP)

Delta Thunder Blast: Strongest Thunder elemental Attack. Enemy is encased in a pyramid of lightnening-prison, it is then filled with electricity and the opponent is blasted into oblivion. 100% Paralysis Ratio. Learned at level 43. (77 MP)

Maelstrom: Strongest Gravity based attack. A huge whirling pit of gravity depletes 3/4 of the enemies MAX Health. Learned at level 44. (80 MP)

Light Pillar Smash: Strongest Light attack. The skies open up and a huge crushing force of light is brought down to crush all enemies. Learned at level 45. (80 MP)

Bio: Strongest Poison Attack. The enemy is encased in a noxious goo. 85% chance of Poison; 3% Chance of Venom. Learned at level 46. (85 MP)

Force Elemental: Picks an elemental attack and makes it three times stronger for one move. Learned at level 47. (300 MP)

Umbra-Blast: The strongest Shadow Attack. A huge beam of darkness is smashed against all enemies. 100% chance of blinding the enemy temporarily. Learned at level 48. (85 MP)

Solar-Flare: The second strongest magic in existence. Non-elemental. Incredible explosions blast all enemies into pure dust. Learned at level 49. (90 MP)

Meteo: The strongest, ultimate attack magic. Non-Elemental. A barrage of twelve meteors fly down from the sky and crush all foes. Learned at level 50. (100 MP)

Level 5 White Magic (Kiki)

Enchant Poison: Has a 1 in 5 chance of causing Venom on all enemies. Learned at level 41. (70 MP)

Finger of Death: Has a 1 in 5 chance of killing opponent in one hit. Learned at level 42. (70 MP)

Summon Fire Giant: Creates a giant Fiery Titan to assist her in battle. Learned at level 43. (75 MP)

Chain Lightning: A huge stream of lightning that hits all enemies three times. Learned at level  44. (75 MP)

Solar Fire: An Incredibly powerful Fire attack. Huge explosions smash all foes. Learned at Level 45 (80 MP)

Metal Armor: Temporarily maxes out one allies Defense. Learned at level 46. (140 MP)

Invisible Shield: Temporarily maxes out one allies Special-Defense. Level 47. (140 MP)

Enchant Power: Temporarily maxes out one allies Strength.  Learned at level 48. (150 MP)

Cosmic Strength: Temporarily maxes out one allies Special-Attack. Learned at level 49. (150 MP)

Eclipse: The Strongest Holy Elemental Attack, also hits with Shadow Elemental attack. (Note that enemies of either Shadow or Holy elemental STILL take double damage.( Learned at level 50. (200 MP)