Chapter V

In a later adventure Aras, Drexor and Twilight quickly accepted a proposal from Mirt to get to the bottom of the troubles occurring which involved a vrock (tanar'ri). It turned out to just be some sort of dinosaur, but the bad part was that there were numerous raptors killing and hunting in the caverns they were exploring.
In a furious battle with the sleek reptilian killers Drexor had his right arm sliced off just below the elbow by one of the creatures deadly rear claws! Only the help of the many potions of healing found in the previous adventures saved the mighty warrior.
Soon after the trio drank potions and rested, Erik and Wiquaestreal arrived and helped them finish hunting down what Drexor called "dragons" (the raptors). In a huge melee the five heroes nearly all died while battling 12 hatchlings and their enraged mother. The "grand-mommy of all dragons" as far as Drexor could tell! They survived the vicious attacks and were about to collapse when a strange black mist began to appear in the center of the "dragons" lair!
Wiquaestral quickly hasted himself, Drexor and Twilight, while the others scrambled for more potions of healing. The mist cleared to reveal a fearsome nalfeshee--who was missing his hand and bore deep scarring from the raptors, a bar-lgra, and a rutterkin. The party quickly attacked, but all were sorely wounded in the initial moments of the fray!
Only the heroic efforts of the grievously wounded & maimed Drexor and the half-unconscious Erik saved them, as they tried without success to harm the unnaturally strong fiends! The baboon headed bar-lgra nearly chewed off Erik's ear in a viscous attack. But with sure strikes the Lord of Loot soon had the beast headed back to the Abyss for its 100-year banishment! Then Aras defeated the polearm wielding rutterkin, while everyone else tried to bring down the huge one-armed fiend while being severely injured by the magic of the Nalfeshee! In a last-chance effort Twilight used shocking grasp to injure him, while Erik sliced the nalfeshee's left foot at the ankle. Drexor also helped, as he continued to beat the creature with determined strikes. In the end all were beaten, but Erik was laid low, until Drexor and Wiquaestreal staggered to force 6 potions of healing down the mighty cobbler...

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